
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Book Review: Crowman by David Rae (The Sun Thief Book 1)

     When the world is cast into darkness and the sun is only released once a year Vatu's rule is law. He is shadow. He is darkness. He is the keeper of the sun. All things light belong to him, including the daughter of Utas. When Utas escapes with Alaba, meeting up with a stranger and a bandit on the road he ends up caught and dragged back towards the very man he sought to escape. However, his fellow travelers are more than they seem and may just change their fates. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. It took me a while to get to it. Life gets busy sometimes and this last year has definitely been eventful. But I got to it in the end and that is what matters. I liked the story in this book, although it ended with a cliffhanger and I don't personally feel as if anything was answered. I am sure that the author intends to make this a series, but since David Rae is not one of my regular authors I can't say I have much of a relationship with him. 

    While I did enjoy the story I hate to say that the writing left much to be desired. At times it was hard to keep reading. Especially the chapters including Vatu. Yikes. But, past the writing is an intriguing story that would be nice to have the hanging strings tied up to. I genuinely wanted Eskanza to go away completely. I felt her entire character was pointless and fail to see why she was even included. There was zero impact on the story. I didn't have a favorite character in this book, although there were some interesting ones. 

    Perhaps Mukito would be the closest option. Young man/boy who has a rough childhood and ends up becoming the apprentice of sorts of a mysterious man. He seems to have had the best character arc out of the lot as well as character development. 

    This book is definitely worth the read. Although you will need to pardon the writing style. It is very clipped and like you are reading a report. There's no emotion and it doesn't invoke any emotion in you. Actually, reading the synopsis will tell you everything you need to know about the writing style. This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here.

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