
Sunday, April 11, 2021

Book Review: The Swift by Ricky Dragoni

 The Swift by [Ricky Dragoni]    Something bazaar has happened. One day everything was normal and the next the power was out and the military had taken a certain portion of everyone. Those that remain are not sure what is going on, but with the arrival of the swift they have bigger problems. Forced to hide in the dark with seemingly no food every day has become a fight for survival. Can they survive the fast menace who hunts them or will they starve to death first in their search for their families? 

    Coach Mike was separated from his wife and boys by the military and soon finds his previous player, Levi, on his quest for them. Now, he has a new reason to keep himself together as well as find a food source. The swift are edible, but they are so fast and hard to take down. Life has become the hunter and the hunted. The question is...which will come out on top? 

    I loved this book from the start, but certain things didn't make sense. I didn't question the food spoiling that the author expressed that he felt I would question. Instead I questioned why they would not eat the field corn that they were having to travel through. I know that field corn is primarily used for animals and ethanol, but as long as you get them before they "dent" field corn is edible. I have ate field corn many a time, and if I was starving I don't think I would have any compulsions against the hard dented corn either. It bothered me quite a bit at the time, but now that I know how the book ends it doesn't quite as much. 

    As always I will not give anything away, but this is one post-apocalyptic horror novel I suggest for anyone. I received this book as a free code from the author in exchange for a honest review. I have nothing bad to say about the book and can honestly say that I did not expect the ending. I was right in where I thought the swift had come from, however, which pleases me. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here.

Books by this author:


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