
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Book Review: Junction 2020: The Portal by Carol Riggs

Junction 2020: Book One: The Portal by [Carol Riggs]     Randall, Lauren, Tony, and Mari have gone to a New Year's Eve party at the popular Stefani's house. However, while playing a game to find ping pong balls the group of five finds themselves in another dimension that seems born of nightmares and things adored. There are vampire spiders and executioners who kill you if you break the ten pm curfew as well as music to match your mood. Not only do they need to find a way home, they need to do it before the shifters find them and do who knows what. 

    If you were transported to a world that was literally made of your nightmares would you be able to face your greatest fears and save your companions in order to find a way back home? This is what Mari must face when confronted with this new reality. Personally, giving up the ability to dream doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but I don't see anything good coming from the shifter's in our world. 

    All in all, the book is an interesting YA read. There are character's who are more than they appear at first glace and others who may not be so bad after all. As this is book one in the series (of five books) I hope there are other adventures starring the other group member's nightmares in the future. Also, I hope that I am right in believing I have found Sanjen's uncle and in his identity. I can't promise I will be reading the others as my TBR list is already miles long, but it is a good read.

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here.

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