
Saturday, April 3, 2021

Book Review: Cruxim by Karin Cox (Dark Guardians Book 1)

Cruxim: You Are Never Alone (Dark Guardians Paranormal Fantasy Series Book 1) by [Karin L Cox]     Ame's purpose in life, as a Cruxim, is to dispatch vampires and send them to their eternal damnation. Life was lonely, but with the Sphinx Sabine it was better. That is until 40 years ago when he was captured by humans while dispatching a nest of vampires. Since then Beltran, the leader of a nest, has been goading him nightly. When he escapes Beltran quickly finds him, but it seems there are worse fates. Such as the freak show owner. Has Ame escaped one hell alone only to be forever trapped in another with Sabine?

    Ame was always alone before Jocelyn and then, after she was changed into a vampire by Beltran, Sabine. When he was trapped in that tower he was once again alone and felt it in every fiber of his being. Outside of the vampires come to taunt him, that is. Once he is out the women in his life make a reappearance. While he loves them both there are worse things in store than choosing between females. 

    Generally I am not a big fan of multiple females with one male, but this book wasn't like that. He loves both, but Sabine is his while Jocelyn once could have been had ha accepted her in that way before she was turned. The book is good, with a lot of ups and downs. The ending leaves a lot of questions about how the women fared as well as who this new person is. That being said, the main plot points in this book were resolved so it is not like they left off in the middle of a book or anything. Thankfully. All in all this was a book that I enjoyed and I hope that you enjoy it as well if this is one that you end up reading. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

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