
Thursday, September 5, 2024

Book Review: The Queen of Reckoning by N. C. Hayes (Redfern Legacy Book 2)

     After risking everything to find a teacher to help with her volatile magic Shaye's troubles are far from over. Between a looming wedding, others opinions of her and her families past, and now mysterious visions she may just lose herself. In fact, the more she deals with the person in her visions the more she learns that he was far from the person he was made out to be. Can one secret have so completely shaped her entire past?

    I received a request from this author to read this book after having already read it. She sent me book one and I enjoyed it, but when I finished I lent it to a co-worker, Ms. Deb, who enjoyed it so much she bought book 2. After she was finished with book 2 she gave it to me. So these are books I have the physical copies of. I want to start by saying they are gorgeous and I love having them on my shelves. 

    Book 2 picks up directly after book 1 ends and this is not a book that you can read as a stand-alone. I tried to be as vague as possible with the above so if you haven't read book 1 yet you can go check it out first without a lot of spoilers. 

    Just like in book one this book has a very YA Fantasy feel. Yes, the characters are of age, but there is magic and very innocent scenes. I'm not saying there isn't activity. There is plenty and there is even some possible trigger warnings. I read this book while I was pregnant and it was a lot for emotions at points because of a miscarriage and subsequent depression. If that is something you can't handle, even in literature, this is your warning. 

    I am not by any stretch of the imagination trying to put you off this book. I fully enjoyed book 1, as you will see in by review, and I enjoyed this one as well. I just try to give disclaimers as some people have certain triggers they go to lengths to avoid. The characters are still just as amazing as they were in book one. The same characters have continued on to this one, although character relationships have changed a bit, in the best possible way. 

    We still have the loveable cat of Skye's and her teacher's snake, in case you were wondering. There is also attempted progress made on reclaiming the throne and castle that the mortals currently occupy. That is something that made great progress and I look forward to what will happen next there. I read this book rather quickly and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future. Although, we will need to wait for the next instance in this series as there are only the two books at this time.

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.89 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

The Wayward Prince (Redfern Legacy Book 1)

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