
Monday, September 25, 2023

Book Review: The Silver Ninja Narco Hotel by Wilmar Luna

     After being removed from her position with the police force Cindy withdrew into herself. She refused to use her alter-ego, the silver ninja, but her former boss wants an encroaching drug cartel out no matter the cost. Can she save her city from this threat or will she lose herself in the process? 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. 

    I want to start by saying I'm so sorry for how long it took me to do the review. My goal is always six months and while I am normally able to stay within or exceed this timeline I am dreadfully behind. At the time I accepted this book I also accepted over one-hundred others. Many of those I have finished, while others I am still working on, unfortunately. In addition to that during these last ten months my grandfather died, causing me to go on a reading hiatus. I bought a house, moved into said house, lost access to my computer (still barely have access to it), and am now pregnant and am very sick all the time having lost over twenty pounds in the last month and a half. It's not an excuse, I just wanted to be transparent in why I am so behind on reviews. On to the important stuff...the review. 

    The writing left nothing to be desired and the pain character, while racist, wasn't the biggest problem in the book. There is plenty of action and while the main character has super-human abilities it is done in a way that it is believable. Technological advancements at their best. My biggest drawback with this book was my being unaware that this was not book one. I felt like I spent most of the book playing catch up or wandering around lost without information that would have proved useful. This book cannot be read as a stand-alone. 

    If I had started at the beginning of this story instead of here I would have had no complaints about this book at all as it was an exciting read when I understood what was going on. As it stands this will be my last silver ninja book since the experience of finding my way through the backstory took some of the fun away for me. 

    The characters within the book are great and all are believable as actual human beings. This book plays out as a plausible sci-fi action well within realistic standards, so long as that suit could be made. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

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