
Monday, September 25, 2023

Book Review: The Da Vinci Diamond by Jerry Guarino

    Da Vinci was an amazing inventor and painter. However, that is not all he had to offer. He was also in possession of one of the world's largest diamonds. After his death it went to the Italian museum where it was later stolen and lost to time. Now, in modern day California the diamond is in possession of a private collector who is sending it to a museum  to be enjoyed. When the diamond is stolen once more other interested parties step forward to acquire the priceless gem. Who will end up with this artifact? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. 

    We follow multiple characters in this book, so you can never be sure who will end up with the diamond or if any of them will. We follow two sisters, the diamonds owner, police, and an assassin while they travel across the united states and into other countries. 

    I can't say that I love the author's portrayal of men in this book. Almost every single man is very easily swayed to cheat on his wife with someone younger and more attractive. Sometimes not even that, just different than their person. This was my biggest drawback while reading this. If people kept it in their pants almost none of this book would have happened. I don't know if the author is justifying their own feelings of wanting to step out or if they think that most everyone doesn't get the concept of monogamy, but for me it was a major detractor while reading. 

    Other than this, figuring out who stole the diamond, who the assassin plays into everything, and where the diamond will end up was fun. The book was mostly well written aside from the above and as long as there aren't more tropes like that I'd happily read more by the author. 

    I felt like the police actually did a good job in this book, unlike how they are often portrayed in books. The amount of times I have questioned everything about the police in the book I am reading now for instance. But, you'll hear more about that one later!

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

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