
Sunday, March 6, 2022

Book Review: Traitors from the Inside Out by MM Justine (Traitors Trilogy Book 1)

     When Martina's parents are killed in a car crash her young son is temporarily put into a coma and she inherits the company, Althonat, with her brother Sebastian. Her father developed a wonder alternative medicine that will cure everything from ADHD to Alzheimer's with just one dose. The only problem is before his death he split the Rensblad formula, giving his brother half for safekeeping. The brother then sold his half to a pharmaceutical company with one goal in mind: secure the life of the top 5-percenters. They hope to accomplish this by launching their own form of vaccine: The Life-Vaccine which claims to keep you you safe from many diseases and instead makes those who take it sterile. What better way to control the population than by making sure another generation isn't born? If Martina can't stop this from happening her life and up to ninety-five percent of the world won't survive. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I was reading this book I was initially having problems staying interested. It is set in Stockholm, Sweden and I was skipping over a lot of words that I can't pronounce. Mostly names. It gave me serious Girl with the Dragon Tattoo flashbacks. Which makes since with them set in the same country. I can't hold that against this book, however. It is no one's fault but my own since whenever any names like that I always skip over. I do it in any language, especially German. 

     I will say that I was a bit confused by some aspects of the book. For instance, Martina was divorced from her previous husband, Thomas. Thomas didn't abuse her, they loved each other, and there was still a spark. So I don't get it. Why divorce someone you love and have a child with because you want to live and work in different towns? I have done long distance relationships in the past. They are hard, but if both parties work at it there is no reason they can't succeed. 

    The plot was very interesting once my brain started auto-filtering the foreign words. We have a alternative, herbal medicine versus a major corporation of traditional medicine. Twisted individuals doing experiments on humans to further their own agenda. These people treated their experiments as inmates and if they died then it was no loss on society. I am wondering how long their inside man was undercover and what they had to do during that time. Traumatizing I am sure, to say the least. 

    I would be interested in knowing what happens in book two as it does end with a bit of a cliffhanger. We don't know if the end of the world is still going to happen and I would love to know what happens to the characters. Not so much interested in the romantic relationship and which male Martina chooses. More so if the world will end because some rich douchebags want to make sure no one takes what they believe belongs to them. In a way it is a tale that has been told for years but every one is different. Every one is unique and for some reason the books about very possible apocalyptic books intrigue me most. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

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