
Saturday, March 5, 2022

Book Review: Echo in Time by Lindsey Sparks (Echo Trilogy Book 1)

     Alexandra Larson had a few close friends, great parents, and was working towards her dream job. However, Lex's life soon gets complicated when she goes from a simple archeologist to a member of a mythical race that the gods of ancient Egypt were based upon. However, some members of this race feel that they should still be worshipped as Gods, including Set. He will stop at nothing to secure Nun's power, which only Lex is able to access. Between she and excavation team lead, Marcus, they must stop the impending nothingness and save the human race. 

    I read this book on the Libby app. It was listed as a paranormal romance and while that does fit this book it wasn't what I expected when I started. Normally with paranormal romances they are borderline smutty. This one, while about adults, reads more like a young adult novel with tame sex scenes. 

    I enjoyed this book, and while I knew how it was going to end I wasn't sure what was going to happen between the starting point and the end. There were a few curve-balls along the way, which is always nice. There is one thing that confuses me though. In the book the females in the race can't have children. Okay, sure. Regenerative abilities could cause struggles. But there is this glaring oversight. How is it that none of these rich affluent people have considered surrogacy??? Their eggs are viable it's their bodies that can't handle the pregnancy. It just doesn't make any sense to me. 

    Ignoring that, the book has all the positives of a young adult novel along with the spice of a romance. Interesting, potentially world-ending event that is only preventable by one chosen individual on their own or with a select small group. Then there is the romance which is a constant undercurrent. Marcus is sexy and overly confident. I suppose that goes with his age and the sheer number of women he's slept with. I have to say that I loved the ancient Egypt aspects. Set, Horus, Nun all play a part in this story and I enjoyed it all the more because of it. I don't know, there is something about the ancient gods that were once worshipped, and sometimes still are, that intrigues me. 

     This book is available on Amazon for free by clicking here

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