
Friday, February 4, 2022

Book Review: In the Beginning by Reed Alexander

     Joan is a private investigator tracking down the husband of her client in some seedy motel. She's got her pictures and is just about to relax when she sees a tweaker boy in the parking lot. When she goes out to confront him she notices he's bleeding and takes him under her wing. She doesn't know just how much this one decision can change her life. However, she soon finds out when the man going after Dustin is more than he seems when he takes a bullet to the head and comes back for more. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. There wasn't much to this book. Not entirely sure it is even a book. More like a prequel. A very short prequel. The pdf file I received was 141 pages long, but each page only has a quarter of the page filled. It is frustrating, to say the least, when you don't get as much of a story as you'd expect. 

    That being said this wasn't a bad little story. It is short and has a lot of action in it. Characters that won't stay dead, a creepy cult, and a woman just trying to do what she thinks is best. The promise was there and while it delivered I don't think it was as complete a thought as it could have been. I feel like there was more that it could have offered, but didn't. I don't know if that is because this was just a short story banging around in the author's head that he needed to get out and lost all interest when it was put to paper or if they're planning to make a series out of it. 

    I can't say that I had a particular favorite character in this book. I didn't particularly care one way or the other about Joan and I didn't like Dustin at all. Not because he was a druggie. People have struggles with that and while I have never done any kind of drugs I get that the struggle can be real for them. My friend and father both used to use and struggle with the threat of relapse whenever they have a stressor. I just didn't like his weak and pathetic attitude. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.35 by clicking here.

Books by this author: 

In the Shadow of the Mountain

The Unnatural Perpetrators

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