
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Book Review: Widow's Lace by Lelita Baldock

     Ellie made her thesis on a poem, The Fall, by Edward Barrington. A deep, sorrowful poem written by a man who married an older woman in London before they left together to Australia. Once there he forged a new life before me mysteriously disappeared. It was her father's favorite before he died, but now her drive has waned. That is until a body is discovered on the property where Edward and Rosalind Barrington lived. A forced trip leads Ellie on a path to discovery where she just may learn more than she bargained for. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have had this book for over a year and feel bad about how long it has taken me to get to it, but better late than never. This book is by an indie author and when I began it had no memory of what the book was about. I quickly realized it was a death mystery about a poet and was skeptical. 

    After all anyone who has read my review policy knows that I don't enjoy poetry and will turn down any and all review requests about poetry. There was poetry in this book and I fully admit that I read none of it. Each time there was lines after the chapter began I just skipped it. I also didn't read The Fall which was included at the end of the book. 

    That being said, if you don't enjoy poetry and you skip it, as I did, the book is interesting. I frequently struggle to enjoy period books since I'm not much for meek and mild females, but this book wasn't like that. It jumped back and forth between then and now, but I didn't feel like the female characters were beneath anyone else. 

    While I can't say I had a favorite character I did enjoy the characters. Ellie was a bit lost at the beginning of the book, but as the story progressed we learned more about her background. With that progression she was able to find purpose. Edward was a simple man at the beginning of the story. Met a woman who was going through a divorce and was much older than her. Fell in love and decided to marry her even though it would be social suicide at that time. Even ended up moving them to Australia so she could live. Rosalind was an older woman who was sick and told she would never get what she wanted most. Clara was a young woman seeking the affections of her childhood friend and making the most of tough situations. Then there was Archie. Young man who wanted to make a name for himself by solving the mystery behind the Barrington disappearance and finally get the widow to talk. Each of these characters are well-rounded and developed. 

    With each person there were things that I both expected and didn't that developed. I expected the development with Ellie, Clara, and Archie. Rosalind and Edward were a bit of a surprise. The type of surprise I will leave to you. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

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