
Friday, October 8, 2021

Book Review: Storm Front by Jim Butcher (The Dresden Files Book 1)

Storm Front (The Dresden Files, Book 1) by [Jim Butcher]     Harry is a practicing wizard who locates missing items and consults with the police on all things mystical. He's behind on rent and most everyone who calls just wants to know if he is serious. And, if you're wondering, he is. To say things are slow is an understatement, but they are about to pick up with two appointments in one day. Murphy, the cop he helps with mystical deaths, has a gruesome double homicide while his private client is missing her husband. In order to solve the crimes and satisfy his client Harry must walk an edge between light and dark magic while battling demons and killer arachnids. The biggest threat in this wizard's life is no longer He Who Walks Behind or the Doom of the White Council. What will he lose in the attempt to save others?

    "Harry Dresden. Practicing Wizard. Finder of lost objects. Yes, I'm serious. I'm in the phone book. Look me up." This is actually said at multiple points in the book and I find it amusing. As if he has to keep reminding the reader who he is and what he does. Can't say I blame him. Not a job title most would believe. I downloaded this book as an impulse from the Libby app and immensely enjoyed it. I had tried 3 audiobooks before finally landing on this one and wasn't sure if I was going to find anything that would capture my interest at first. What better thing to latch onto than a paranormal crime mystery?

    It did take me a week to get through, but my household has been sick. Anyways. Time for what you came here for. My review. This is a fast paced magical book that makes you wonder how everything will tie together and who is responsible. I must say when I started this book I thought Harry lived in a farmhouse off the beaten path. Don't ask me why, that is just what my brain conjured during the post-man scene. I have since realized that was his office and is, in fact, in downtown Chicago. Oops. Things happen in your brain. Nothing can be done for it. 

    Harry is an odd creature. He is human, so maybe odd duck is a more correct term. None the less, it is hard to get a feel for him. One moment he is dripping bravado and good humor. The next he is locked in internal conflict. He bounces back and forth and it is hard to sense if he has any real attachment to anyone in his life. He refers to Murphy as his friend, but doesn't trust her. I don't know it was just odd to me. Also, the fact that he uses the same incantation for different results at different times bothers me a bit. I feel like each thing should have it's own word. I may be a one off in saying this, but still. 

    Then there are the females. I've said it before and I will say it again. Spare me the male descriptions. It is like some male authors only know how to describe women using their dicks. I am not saying some women don't do the same for men in their stories, but I definitely notice it a lot more from men. Serious gag factors. 

    My favorite character in this book was Bob. I won't spill too much about him, but he was great. Kind of an in your face horn dog, at least as much as a spirit can be. I am curious what he got up to during his 24 hours of reprieve, but I suppose that is a question that will never be answered. Besides. Living in a skull? Seems great other than the whole tethered forever thing. 

    On to the good. I was able to keep guessing as to who the killer was and if the cases had anything to do with each other. I know in a lot of books if there are two things going on at once they normally tie together, but you never know. I don't generally choose the obvious choice. I won't let on if this book does that or not. You will just have to find out for yourself. As this was an audiobook on my part I don't know how well it was written, but the audio sounded good and there were no obvious issues that I caught. The speaker did well throughout and it never felt as if he was stumbling over words. I do need to say that I don't suggest reading the synopsis on Amazon for this one...I actually had to blink a few times and highlight it with my mouse to make sure my 2:30 AM brain wasn't misreading it. I wasn't. It's not great. I can't say that I will be checking out any of the other 16 books in this 17 book series, even after mostly enjoying this one. 

    It is an option to check out if you are into paranormal or crime mysteries. This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here.

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