
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Book Review: The Final Decree by Shami Stovall

The Final Decree by [Shami Stovall]     Since the battle between the old Gods, which lead to the reign of mankind, a God-King has been ruler of different realms. These God-Kings and God-Queens have the power to utter decrees to govern the populace. Anyone who breaks these decrees receive a curse. The curse can come to fruition within hours or years, but there is no escape from it.  Everyone knew of their crime, except Artemis. She had been born with her mark and had lived the last twenty years of her life fearing the change to a Forsaken, the beast which mimicked the crime committed. 

    God-King Elizar had now commanded that she be killed, going so far as to have the High Guard after her. Everywhere Artemis turned there was loathing and no one had shown her kindness. Why would they? She was cursed and deserved her fate. Until someone scared away her newest attackers and was kind to her. This mysterious stranger, Rylion, gave her a purpose and guaranteed if she were to change she would not become a danger to those around her. But, with the God-King's guard closing in, Forsaken around every corner, and the possibility of turning at any time will there be any real future?

    I received this book as an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I read the initial synopsis of the book I thought it sounded mildly interesting, but wasn't overly excited about it. When you read a lot of a genre, like Fantasy, they all begin to meld together. That being said, I love Fantasy books and if I am at least a bit intrigued I am more than willing to read the book and give my opinion. This is one Fantasy book that is interesting, exciting, and makes you want to know more. 

    I loved how the book was mostly from the point of view of Artemis, but would occasionally jump to another character for one chapter. It allowed a brief glimpse of how another thought and felt without changing the direction of the story. Because of that insight you, as the reader, were able to more easily relate to and understand what was going on in the story. For instance, without knowing Thea's internals the grin on her face would have been unknown as for her reason behind the mark. 

    There are some opinions I formed during the book ended up being true while others haven't been given a definite answer. However one I believe is likely false, now. I won't say which is which, but I wonder if as you read this book you reach the same conclusions. I would love to know if you did! First: Rylion and Wulf are not full brothers. Second: Artemis and Alexavier are related. Third: Artemis is one of the old-gods returned, but has not unlocked those memories or came into her powers. Fourth: Growing up Artemis was used as a "gun" for hire, in a manner of speaking. 

    In a lot of cases with ARC books and indie authors the books are littered with typos, grammatical errors, or are simply tedious to read. Shami Stovall does not have that issue and I commend both she and any editors that she used. I found less issues within this book than you will find in a Stephen King novel. In fact there isn't a thing I would change about this book. Some encounters were a bit awkward, but that was how it seemed to be intended. Everything played well together including the obsessions and jealousy. Artemis is a bit overwhelming with her emotions, but considering her upbringing I am not surprised. I do hope there is more to this story in the future as there are things left unanswered.

    Definitely a read I suggest pre-ordering now. The Final Decree released on 10/12/2021 on Amazon for $5.99 and you can get yours by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

    Books by this author:

The Nexus Games (The Nexus Games Book 1)

The Nexus Knight (The Nexus Games Book 2)

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