
Monday, August 23, 2021

Book Review: Dirty Together by Meghan March (Dirty Billionaires Book 3)

     Holly has ran back to her home-town of Gold Haven, Kentucky after finding out Creighton lied to her. Now that she is home her car has broken down and her high school crush has insisted to take her "back to her roots" so she can take her mind off her annoying husband. But this small town country singer may be getting more than she signed up for after a night of drinking when Karris shows up to cart her back home. Is she willing to forgive him and move forward? Is she ready to stop running and trust this man with her heart? 

    I got book one of this trilogy on impulse from Libby and if it wasn't due to the fact that it was an audiobook through my local library I never would have finished it. I am not one for breaking a book into multiple parts. Just put it all together and move on with your life. Outside of that I still feel the butt stuff is overdone in the books. Alright, my complaining session is done with the series as a whole. On to this book in particular.     

    There are actual feels in the book unlike in the other books in this trilogy, which is saying something. Holly is able to lose herself in her music while Cray losses himself in Holly. The work life balance is a challenge, just as it has been. Holly's mother is an issue, more so than she was previously. And Creighton's family plays a large part in the end of the book. While it tied up the loose ends how it ended kind of left me with a "what the fuck?" feeling. It felt like an easy cop-out more than anything else. Maybe that was the intent, but it wasn't my favorite move. 

    Anyways, I liked Creighton more in this book than in others. Maybe it was the mushy side as well as the dominant asshole, but I liked him more. Holly was still amazing and reminded me so much of someone I used to call my best friend. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here, but as I have previously mentioned if you want to read this book just see if your local Libby has it. Because I wouldn't pay that for a 3rd of a book. 

Books by this author:

 Dirty Billionaire (Dirty Billionaire Book 1)

Dirty Pleasures (Dirty Billionaire Book 2)

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