
Friday, May 28, 2021

Book Review: Meeting Destiny by Nancy Straight (Destiny Book 1)

Meeting Destiny (Destiny Series Book 1) by [Nancy Straight, Dreamscape Covers, Linda Brant]     Lauren has had dreams every night since she turned 18 of a man with unique green eyes telling her that when she was courageous she would unlock her destiny. Of course she never believed it would be true. After-all it was just a dream. But, when she got a funny feeling about the man who entered the fast food place where she worked she trusted her instincts. This fast thinking saved a young boys life, but she got shot in the process. The thing is she barely noticed, until she came face to face with those same green eyes from her dream. Max. 

    Max was a paramedic and had no idea who she was, of course. But, the young woman had captured his attention just as he had captured hers. Just because your dream comes true doesn't mean everything is sunshine and roses. After-all, attraction can only take you so far especially when the girl has been in a long-term relationship and calls you the man of her dreams. Literally. 

    At the beginning of this book I was a little hesitant. It just seemed a little bleh. At some points it just seemed like the author was trying too hard. Like they named an inconsequential police officer Officer Lawless just to make some lame joke about needing to change their name. I love dad jokes (and play animal crossing where dad jokes abound) and rolled my eyes at it. That being said I truly enjoyed this book. So much so that as soon as I finished reading it I went into the Kindle store and bought book 2. 

    This isn't something I normally do, not because I don't love the books that I read. I frequently do. More so because my TBR is already so long that adding another by an author I have already read one by just seems rude. But, some times there are things that must be done and information that must be known. In this case: Do Lauren and Max have a future together? I can say that without spoiling anything for you. Really though, if you like romances of any variety give this one a go. 

    This book is available on Amazon for free by clicking here.

Books by this author: 

Destiny's Revenge (Destiny Book 2)

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