
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Book Review: Heart of Stone by Christine Warren

Image result for heart of stone by christine warren    Ella has been cursed with some power that she has no idea how to control and it has ruined her life. Now her favorite statue has come to life; claiming that he is a guardian to protect humanity from the darkness and it seems that her power has awakened him. Just great. Still she is as drawn to him now as she was when he was a statue. If only he wasn't made of stone.
    Keis has awakened to a mysterious magic wielding woman who has no control of her powers and no training by the guild. Now he finds that the guild is no where to be found as well. With so many things going on the Darkness is sure to be rising. However someone this untrained little mage has found her way into his mind and showed him something he never thought possible.
    Perfect balance of romance and action that does not tire you out or bore you. Instead at the end of the book you find yourself looking for book two if only to follow the intricate backstory. This book will drag you through all the emotions. From disgruntled at the pig headed gargoyle to sad at the loss of a friend to amused at the antics of Phil and elated at some parts as well. The author can truly transport you into the story where you get lost in that world, a land far beyond our own.
This book is available on Amazon for $7.99 at

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