
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Book Review: Crush by Chrissy Peebles

Image result for crush by chrissy peebles     Taylor and her parents have just moved into a new town where mysterious things are happening. A boy manages to scare off a mountain lion, people are dying, there is a curse, and who knows what else. And if her new friend is right some of the people she meets on a daily basis could very well be...vampires? 
    Teen lit about a girl and a boy who are completely infatuated with each other and one has a deadly secret. Sadly it is one of those horrid books where they break what should be one book into multiple little books so I may not ever know what happens with Taylor, the curse, or the vampires. If you are okay with locating multiple “books” just to finish one story then this might be one for you. 
This book is available on Amazon for free at 

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