
Saturday, September 16, 2017

Book Review: The Dark Tower 2: Drawing of the Three

    Stephen King has always been and will always be my favorite author but the Dark Tower series is my least favorite of all. Book 1 introduces us to Rowland, who is travelling across a desert wasteland in search of this Dark Tower. Then we pick up in Book 2 where he now has this tag along guy and they are still going across this wasteland only now they have to escape from these huge crablike creatures.
    In all honestly it helps the entire series calls many of King's other books into play as they always do; so it helps to read them if you are an avid King reader.  By doing so you have that additional insight into his other books (such as the little boy in Insomnia, who makes a appearance in the Tower series).
    It may pick up in quality later on in the series and if you enjoy westerns then this might be for you. Personally, I have not been able to move on to book 3 yet.

Books by this author:

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