
Saturday, September 16, 2017

Book Review: Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King (The Bill Hodges Trilogy Book 1)

    This was an amazing book. I loved that this was something that could easily happen in real life. The antagonist was well rounded and it was like a mystery instead of King's normal horror. This entire book leaves you wondering if the antagonist will ever be caught, who he is from the snippets of his life that we catch, and if our protagonist can catch him in time. 
    We find ourselves in a small town during the recession when it was hitting everyone hard and everyone was just trying to get by. King shows us just how many people who were willing to work lost jobs all too easily at that point and the lengths they would go to just to be able to provide for their family. Even if that means bringing their small baby out on a drizzly foggy night to wait in line for a job fair. 
    While many people lost their lives in this we get to see how bad the economy was at one point and how this affected some people more than others. All in all I would not change a thing about this book. Even the antagonists final attempt at a mass murder left me holding my breath...and partially hoping that he would succeed in getting the person everyone was there to see. 
     If you ever find yourself wondering if this is a book you should read then take a chance, open that spine and get lost in a whole new world with the wonders that is King. 

Books by this author: 

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