
Sunday, January 12, 2025

Book Review: True Courage by Kathryn Barrett

     Adam never intended to run for President, but when the movie about his "heroics" while in the military was released it was felt that the best way for him to make use of that time in the spotlight was to run the country. However, being President of the United States as a single parent of a teenage daughter is a task no one prepared him for. Luckily, his new Secret Service agent, Ellie, assigned to his daughter, Katie, is willing to put in a little extra time. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I typically stay very very very far away from all things politics. This book was one I accepted when I had accepted about 200 others and by the time I agreed to this book I wasn't even reading the blurbs anymore. Still, the book wasn't terrible. 

    In fact, the story was engaging and the romantic aspects were cute. While this is a romance book it is not a smut by any stretch. Ellie battles with herself just as much as she does with the outside threats that Katie has to experience. Meanwhile Adam is facing threats from those in other countries as well as the threat of someone from his past. One wrong decision can mean so much more than a moody teenager when you are President of the free world. 

    There is a lot of politics in this book, but since I didn't bother to read the blurb before agreeing to it I can't hold that against it. So, let's stick to the things that I enjoyed. The setting was described in a way that you could easily picture where the characters were at most times. There wasn't many typing issues or things that would pull you out of the story. The events that happened were believable and realistic. The characters were well-rounded and faced a variety of issues that were on theme. All in all it was a good read. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

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