
Thursday, December 26, 2024

Book Review: Jersey Shore Piney by Tony DiGerolamo (The Pineys Book 5)

    The Galloway cousins have been invited to an all expenses paid weekend along Jersey Shore, during the off season, of course for capturing Hemmingway's mother before she could do damage. At the word free Hemmingway is all in, intent on reliving all the best parts of his childhood in this very town. Yet the homeless population of the area are surprisingly absent and the town mayor has appointed Hemmingway, of all people, to lead the parade. What could go wrong? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have read the first 5 in this series, yet am still entertained by the antics of the Galloways. I don't want to give it away, but the creature featured in this book isn't our normal "deer". These hunters may be out-matched with something of this size. 

    All of our favorite cousins have returned in this book and things are slowly starting to get better between them. Hemmingway gets to relive his best (and worst) childhood memories, Milton runs into an ex, Lewis is using his past-telling abilities better, while Shelly is still in her relationship. Both Lewis and Shelly are leery of their free vacation, but Hemmingway won't hear anything of it. 

    Like I mentioned, this is book 5 in the series and it cannot be read as a stand-alone. You would be missing out on some serious back-story starting from this book. Still, all of the Piney books are exciting, fun, and funny. This book is no exception. We continue to character build and I look forward to more adventures with these cousins in the future. 

     This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

My Cousin, the Piney (The Pineys Book 1)

Witch Piney are You? (The Pineys Book 2)

The Third Grade Piney (The Pineys Book 3)

Feud of the Pineys (The Pineys Book 4)

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