
Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Book Review: The Magick of Chaos by Ricardo Victoria (Tempest Blades Book 3)

     Now that the games are over our band must figure out their place in the world. Be it revisiting old homes, self-discovery, tracking down a missing crown, helping an amnesiac deity, or choosing between two love interests. Will the groups inner struggles block their way from stopping the oncoming war?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This is the third book in a series and it cannot be read as a stand-alone. If you haven't read them already, click the links at the bottom of the page to see my reviews of the other 2 books with a purchase link for Amazon at the bottom of the reviews. They are well worth the read. 

    In this book rather than the entire group being together they are split in half. Gaby, an old friend, and Fionn in one group on a mission to track down a crown of death to stop an on-coming war. Meanwhile the rest of the group have found a deity that has lost her memory. In order to help her they need to find a way to restore her memory. If their missions weren't enough there is still the inner turmoil we have seen budding or delved into in the other books. 

    Alex is still struggling with his depression. Sam is trying to figure out a balance between her human and Fae side. Gaby is trying to figure out not only her music, but her relationship with Fionn. More and more it feels like a comparison to his dead wife. Then there is the tension between Sid and his cousin. 

    The action and the story-line are always amazing with Ricardo, but it is the depth of the characters that keep you invested. You want to see how your favorite character can solve their problems while they complete the quest that they are on. This book like the others ends on a bit of a cliff-hanger. The main points of the story were covered, but there are still threads that need tied.     

    This book is available on Amazon for $7.99 by clicking here

Books by this Author: 

The Cursed Titans (Tempest Blades Book 1)

The Withered King (Tempest Blades Book 2)

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