
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Book Review: The Clattering by Joan Wendland

     With no memory of who you are or how you arrive you walk up to a group at a table in a bar. They tell you that people only come to a bar for two things to drink or for information and ask what you are there for. After a moment you hear yourself speaking, filling them in on your past and asking them to band together to travel on a quest. Suddenly, you remember these details about yourself and your past. As you travel every once in a while you hear a clattering before anything, or nothing at all, happens. What could this be and what could this mean for yourself and your newfound crew?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I say book, but honestly it is barely countable as a Novella. It is tiny. In fact, most of what I said above is most of the book. But, the author's blurb gave away more than I wanted to. In fact, it basically gave away the only mystery the book had it in. So, I am leaving it out. You'll probably still be able to guess what the clattering is, but maybe not. 

    What little of a book there is to this it was decently written and the characters weren't bad. If there was more meat to the story it would have been more enjoyable. Instead, it felt a bit rushed and condensed. Not a bad thing if you are going for a short story, but for an actual book or even Novella it needs to be longer. Again, I am not saying I didn't like the story. It was good and I love D&D as much as the next girl, and LitRPGs are among my favorite. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

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