
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Book Review: An Angel and a One Armed Man by B. D. Lawrence (The One Armed Detective Series Book 1)

     Lefty has been a PI of sorts since he left the department, but he wasn't really looking for a case. When a beautiful woman approached him at the bar and wanted to dance with him he didn't suspect her ulterior motive until it was too late. While talking she let him know that her niece was missing and she'd like to hire him to find her. With Angel's picture safely in hand Lefty begins tracking down known sources to find the missing girl. Caught between two human trafficking operations Lefty may not be able to make it out of this one with his clients life, let alone his own. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I read this book I didn't know that it was book 2 in a series. It seems that it can be read as a stand-alone, though, as I haven't read book one and have no idea what it may have been about. 

    The main character in this book is skeptical of everyone, but it seems he has plenty of reasons to feel that way. From the woman who just wanted him to talk to her (although there is plenty of opportunity for more there) to the mobsters who do want the meddlesome ex officer dead. Although he comes off as gruff Lefty is a bit of a softie as we see as the story goes on. I don't know how he was in the other books, but that is what I got the impression of with him. 

    I do want to give the disclaimer that although the book is good and interesting there is human trafficking, prostitution, and drug use in the book. That is just a head's up for anyone who can't handle reading about those things for one reason or another. That being said, the book holds the readers interest from the beginning as we try to figure out just who has Angel and what their intentions with her are. The author leaves plenty of room for interpretation of that until they want you to know the truth. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Book Review: In Shadows Lie by T. Emiller (In Shadows Lie Book 1)

     Liana worked hard in her video game testing job, and they were just about to launch a new product. When two new men were added onto her team, she didn't think much of it, no matter how attractive they were. But visions and dreams have begun to plague her starring these two. When one carts her away at the game launch she learns that her past is a lie and must uncover who she is now. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. To be honest by the time I started reading this book I had long since forgotten the blurb. So, I went into this book blind. With the set up from the beginning I honestly thought that this was going to be a smut book. Possibly even a multiple male smut, which isn't something I read. Although smut I never complain about. I won't say I was disappointed to discover it was a fantasy book, they have their own charms. 

    That being said, while the characters in this book are all adults the book reads similarly to a Young Adult Fantasy. There is a special main character, a very innocent budding love interest, betrayal, and magic. All the best things in a YA fantasy. The only deviation from the normal is that this is adults. Still, I am never against a good YA to sink my teeth into and I haven't read any in a while, so I was pleasantly surprised. 

    Watching Liana develop as we go through the story I half wondered who she would choose as her memories were unlocked. The options were definitely left open, and even with how things were left there may be some wiggle room in the future. The book ends on a bit of a cliffhanger and reminds me a bit of Cassandra Clare's. Decent read and I do have book 2 for this, so you will be seeing another from this author at some point. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this Author: 

The Light Within (In Shadows Lie Book 2)

Book Review: The Clattering by Joan Wendland

     With no memory of who you are or how you arrive you walk up to a group at a table in a bar. They tell you that people only come to a bar for two things to drink or for information and ask what you are there for. After a moment you hear yourself speaking, filling them in on your past and asking them to band together to travel on a quest. Suddenly, you remember these details about yourself and your past. As you travel every once in a while you hear a clattering before anything, or nothing at all, happens. What could this be and what could this mean for yourself and your newfound crew?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I say book, but honestly it is barely countable as a Novella. It is tiny. In fact, most of what I said above is most of the book. But, the author's blurb gave away more than I wanted to. In fact, it basically gave away the only mystery the book had it in. So, I am leaving it out. You'll probably still be able to guess what the clattering is, but maybe not. 

    What little of a book there is to this it was decently written and the characters weren't bad. If there was more meat to the story it would have been more enjoyable. Instead, it felt a bit rushed and condensed. Not a bad thing if you are going for a short story, but for an actual book or even Novella it needs to be longer. Again, I am not saying I didn't like the story. It was good and I love D&D as much as the next girl, and LitRPGs are among my favorite. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Book Review: The Violins Played Before Junstan by Lou Kemp

     Celwyn hasn't cared about anyone since the lost of his great love, but some people have a way of worming their way into your heart. He is about to find out just how much he was missing and how much he now has to lose. As he picks up one after another in his band of misfits he knows he will do whatever he can to protect them from both the vampires that took his last and a deity that is able to possess different people. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Once I got into this book I really enjoyed it. It was a bit of a slow start for me, although it does have action sections from the first page. I didn't truly become interested in the story until after they had left the ship. Given, this isn't very far into the book. 

    We begin the story with Celwyn and follow him as he is conscripted to track down and capture an automaton. As plans change we slowly start to see a softer side to the prickly magician, including a doting on orphaned children. Although there are lots of characters within the book that all play their own parts, my favorite was the crow. You'll find out all about the little guy while you read. 

    That being said, the other characters aren't without merits of their own. From the automaton who emotes like a human to the magician himself who can conjure images and music from thin air and even to a young strong-willed woman whose Aunt was intent on marrying her off to someone. Each draws the reader in in their own way. I particularly like the fact that although the book is set in a steampunk version of Victorian England there is no qualms with the female character speaking her mind and thinking what a woman should and shouldn't do is entirely not her problem. 

    I will warn you. Anyone who has a problem with child deaths may want to steer clear. There is a couple rather vivid scenes involving child murder and torture. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Buymort: Bull Market Mayhem by Damien Hanson (Shopocalypse Book 5)

     With the fall of Kraken Silken Sands has risen through the ranks of the multiverse. Darth conglomerate is plummeting, and things seem to FINALLY be going well for Tyson. Yet, appearances may not be what they seem. The Church has named Tyson their hero, giving him the honor of fighting the sleem within Storage and on the newly to-be-inducted BuyMort planet. All that is at risk is the entirety of the Multiverse. The sleem will devour everything if they are allowed to add these newest additions to their collective. Silken Sands is all that stands in the face of this foe. Will they fall or gain more than they ever have before?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. If you have read any of my other BuyMort reviews, you know by now that I LOVE Tyson and everything to do with the BuyMort books. Even if I didn't get these books from the author, I would be reading them. I am hooked and will not be stopping this series until it is completely finished. Not that I am in a rush for that to happen. I genuinely love these characters. 

    Tyson continues to mature while still keeping his sense of humor and desire to rid the multiverse of BuyMort completely. His enemies have remained the same, but the threats against him continue to increase. Not only are they becoming more plentiful they are also growing in power. These new sleem are not only numerous but are much more powerful than any of the creatures they have dealt with before. Silken Sands will have to give it all they have if they are to escape with their lives, let alone complete their mission. 

    We have not lost any of our favorite characters and yes, my absolute favorite, Phyllis, is still alive and well. In fact, she is better than ever. I can't wait to find out what happens with this absolute legacy. We also continue to have Molls, Reyna, and even Tower from the other books. Tower begins to play a larger part in the story while the relationship between one of our favorite couples becomes strained. I truly hope they are able to overcome it in the next book! I won't give away which couple or why. You'll get to figure that out for yourself. 

    As always, this is my disclaimer that this book cannot be read as a standalone. Don't worry, though. The ENTIRE series is available on Kindle Unlimited. Or, go all in and purchase the books to keep forever. Personally, I am considering getting printed copies to decorate my shelves at home at some point. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here

Books by this Author: 

Grand Opening (Shopocalypse Book 1)

Smart Shopper (Shopocalypse Book 2)

Rise of Windowpuncher (Shopocalypse Book 3)

30,000 Leagues (Shopocalypse Book 4) 

Book Review: Photograph and the Atomic Juggernaut by Michael Blatherwick (The Photograph Chronicles Book 1)

     Dana has always tried to have a normal enough life. Sure, her father had drawn up plans for Laverne and Shirley, her rocket powered skates. And her mother died young while her grandfather gave her an edict on his deathbed to bury the atomic juggernaut he had built in the military. Still...she was normal enough. But, her grandfather wasn't the only one on that long ago team, nor is she the only one looking for his legacy. With highly paid killers that go only by numbers on her tail and only the help of an electrician in training named Nick will they be able to destroy the juggernaut or even escape with their lives? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While Dana is constantly trying to make her life less exciting because of how her parents and grandfather died Nick would give anything to get him and his father out of the life they lead. His dad has struggled for years, but has never let it get him down. Meanwhile, Nick is intent on going to college while working to make a better life. 

    When he captures a picture of a girl on rocket skates he feels the spark to get to know her better. From roller derby to her impulsiveness as she tries to right the wrongs of her predecessors Dana is far from ordinary. In fact, she just might be the thing he needs to get out of his ruts. There are very small romance aspects of this book, although that is far from the point of it. We see relationships mostly broken in this, although there is the possibility for more in the coming series, based on how this book ended. Mostly, the story is non-stop action. 

    We come to a good stop in this book with the initial threat handled, however, the story is far from over. There is a bit of a cliffhanger that gives you just enough interest to want to continue one without feeling like the first book was unfinished. All in all I don't have any complaints about this book.   

    This book is available on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here

Monday, August 19, 2024

Book Review: Becoming Insane by Leyla Cardena

     When the body of a junkie is left outside one man's apartment he and his previous best friend reconnect, only to slowly descend into madness together. The trigger may be a long buried shared memory from their childhoods that has come for them once more. Will the pair be able to regain their sanity and return to a normal life, or will their newfound afflictions bring them into a permanent institutionalized state?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I found this book a bit hard to get into. We jump around between the two characters as they complain about their average lives not going how they want, without ever actually doing anything to change them. Then, the madness slowly starts to overtake them with one insane instance after another to the point the reader doesn't know what is going on half the time. 

    Don't get me wrong, the insane bits held some excitement, although all the details on what actually happened to the pair I am still unclear on after actually finishing the book. Even though the book wasn't my favorite that I have read recently I didn't walk away from it with any feelings of distaste. My favorite part was where the agent and psychologist were tracking down the man. I'd say more about him, but considering that was the best bit, I'll leave it out. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.97 by clicking here

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Book Review: Dead Sound by Anise Eden

     Neve has worked in the psych ward at a hospital for years. She is a psychotherapist and likes to think that she is good at her job. Still, when she is stabbed by a patient at work it becomes hard to face coming back. Determined to battle these demons on her own she comes back to work as soon as she is able. Upon returning she finds her favorite patient, Amos, has returned to the floor. He has a new delusion about her being the only one that could stop the apocalypse. The truth soon leads her down a spiraling path that sometimes has her questioning her own sanity, all while fighting off the advances of her awful ex. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is great. Normally I prefer books I choose over my review requests, but I honestly forgot that this was a review request. It was written well and very engaging. I will say that the author does tend to explain Neve's best friend's past in Ireland a bit too often. Telling the details of his parents once would have been sufficient. We didn't necessarily need it repeated another few times. 

    Other than this I really enjoyed the book. Neve reacts about how you would expect anyone to act in the situations she is put into. Cornelius is basically perfect, even with his physical limitations. The book plays out making you go through each of the feelings that Neve is going through, which keeps the truth hidden until the author wants you to know about it. I will say that the book ends in a way that solves the immediate issues, but the story is far from over. Thrilling and suspenseful to the last page. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here