
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Book Review: Journeys by Jeanne Roland (The Archers of Saint Sebastians Book 1)


    It is the 14th century and the longbow is renowned. The archers of Saint Sebastians are known far and wide, those who make through trials will be narrowed down until one becomes the Prince's new guardsman. One men are allowed to participate in the trials which take place over 2 years, but when Marieke's father is killed she seeks refuge under the guise of a young boy in these sacred halls. While squiring for a Journeyman Marieke discovers more about her father and current threats. If only she isn't caught for being a girl first. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is very slow to pick up and it took me a long time to actually become invested in the story. I would "reward" myself for completing a chapter by reading something I was enjoying more. Still, I persisted, and I am glad I did. Once you actually get into the story it is very interesting. A bit bogged down in details, but it works in it's own way.     

    While it took me a while to become interested in the book, once I did I would read only on this instead of deviating to other books, as I am prone to do while reading. This book gives serious Eon vibes, without the disclosure at the end of that book. Still, I loved Eon, and I eventually grew to enjoy this book as well. To the point when it ended I considered immediately grabbing book 2. Afterall, this book ends on a cliff-hanger and I needed to know if they survived. I say they so you don't know who until you read it for yourself!

    Even though Marieke is under the guise of a boy, that doesn't mean her feelings and attraction has magically changed. Instead, she gets to ogle these men as they train, even if she rarely gets to enjoy it as she is trying to hide her own identity. The internal conversations where she attempts to battle these feelings is amusing, as well as the dangers faced both within the grounds and outside of them. Marieke does gain one enemy of sorts, but I don't know about him. I don't think he is as bad as he is portrayed and I kind of wants to see her end up with him instead of with anyone else. If this series were to go down the romance aspect it seems like it will lead into. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

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