
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Book Review: The Fourth Charm by Robert Howell (Dransmit Children Mysteries Book 2)

     After their adventures following the death of their grandmother the Dransmit cousins now need to focus on their education and prepare for the things to come. However, when witches' familiars begin to disappear, it is suggested to the council that they be allowed to solve this mystery. With an impressive track record they are given access, but only if they do everything possible to stay safe during their investigation. Could three new witches be better problem solvers than the entire witch council? 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. Book 2 picks up shortly after book 1 ended. We see how the children's education of all things witchy is progressing as well as how they are dealing with the things that happened. Then, when they are informed of witches familiars going missing they decide the help the council and those affected by looking into the mystery. Along the way we receive a prophecy stating that the children must harness the fourth charm in order to complete their mission. The only problem is the fourth charm has not been mentioned in any of the books in the Dransmit house. 

    In this book, instead of staying in the present, the author jumps back in time at certain points to tell the story of an event that happened in detail versus just someone talking about what took place. I think it provided us a better insight without taking away from the ongoing story. We seen the characters grow beyond what took place in book one. The book was completely enjoyable, but do keep in mind this is a middle grade mystery. There are very innocent budding romance aspects, children, and mild threats. Although the risk to the characters lives were very real I just mean that the descriptions were not gory at any point. 

    We did not lose the supernatural aspects seen in book one, although instead of the dragon we had a djinn. No complaints on my end about this story. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author:

Third Times the Charm (Dransmit Children Mysteries Book 1)

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