
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Book Review: The Guy Who Accidentally Started the Apocalypse by David Bushman

     When Cameron gave a coupon for a free sub to a homeless man and the self-proclaimed wizard gifted him a wishing-stone in return he thought it was nothing more than the ramblings of a crazy person. But, when he idly wishes to live a life like those in the post-apocalyptic LitRPG he was listening to his wish was granted. Now, most of Earth's population has been decimated by living plants intent to turn those that remain into zombie-like creatures. With the help of a higher sentient being Cameron begins upgrading himself with no real fear of dying, due to respawn abilities. Can the surviving members make a dent in the alien surge to reclaim their homes? 

    I received a copy of this audiobook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I adore this author's writings and was excited to receive this book. The desire to just read this and little else was strong, although I normally read multiple books at once. Still, I haven't had the time to sit and actually write up the review until now, even though the book was finished August 2nd. (Yes, I am the weird person who has a physical notebook filled with the exact dates that I read every book. It dates all the way back to July 2017.) 

    This book is a great combination of the real world LitRPG and VR gaming experience. I haven't read something quite like it within my delves into post-apocalyptic LitRPG and gaming books. I love all of these genres and a mash-up was a yes, please. The author did an amazing job of combining these along with adding in his own personal sense of humor we enjoyed in his other books. 

    Although there is plenty of meat to this story it will absolutely leave you wanting more. Unfortunately, the next book is not out yet and to my knowledge we have not received a pending release date. That being said, there is plenty of action in this book, of all types. 

    The only point of confusion I have in this book is the age of the main character. At the beginning he seems middle aged. While he does receive enhancements throughout the book, I don't know if they ever actually confirmed his age. It did not take anything away from the story by any means, but I was curious. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Darklands Online Book 1

Darklands Online Book 2

Darklands Online Book 3

Darklands Online Book 4

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