
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Book Review: Colony Collapse by KE Wolfe (The Shattered Stars Book 1)

     A young boy from the ice planet has slowly become friends with the woman from the stars, however, things quickly sour when his father dies. His father held a position of some importance to their people and was the one to initially contact those on other planets. However, after the people of his world have battled the elements on this planet for the last 4 centuries it is hard to trust those from other planets. With the call for help she must decide if the planet is helpable and if so what is the best way to proceed. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This is a quick read novella set among the stars. Humans have travelled to far away planets and their descendants have adapted to their new environments. This makes each planet now inhabited almost like a different sub-species. 

    We begin our journey on an ice planet that is frequently ravaged by storms. While everyone can sense these storms and have an internal heat source there is one who "battles" the storms. This man reaches out to those among the stars who in turn send a representative down. She must determine if the planets inhabitants are in need of direct help or if something else can be done. 

    When disaster strikes it is up to the young boy to make way not only for his planet, but for himself as well. While the story was interesting it didn't hold my attention enough to want to continue the series. From what I understand there are additional novellas released to seem almost like seasons and episodes of a TV show. The author mentions a strong love of Star Trek. I can't, personally, say if it bares any resemblance as I have never been a fan. But, I also don't watch much TV. 

    The "young boy" in this book is actually a man. He makes reference to the fact that many on his planet at his age have already long since started families of their own. There is some sex in the book, but it is a far cry from smut, if that is something you are concerned about.  All in all, not a bad read and for someone who is a fan of that TV show they may enjoy it a bit more than I did. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

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