
Friday, November 17, 2023

Book Review: Cicatrice: New Eyes and Brave by Jo Boyle

    Jamie and Mal were best friends at university, but when Mal abruptly leaves without a word the friendship is seemingly shattered. During the ensuing five years apart, Mal is on the run for her life. No connections can be made or else he might find her and take her captive again. When Mal and Jamie have a chance encounter can she really walk away again, even if she knows it is the only way to keep Jamie safe? 

    I received a paperback copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is amazing. Fast paced, thriller, sex, and plenty of action. If you are of the feign of heart, be warned. I only say this because there is rape and a lot of abuse within these pages as Mal and Jamie go through both their present and past. 

    We jump back and forth between present day and the past while Mal was a captive. We learn how she was trained and the mindset she quickly adopted. I have to say that I am proud of her for everything she endured, and I am surprised she ever let another man touch her, even for information. 

    There isn't anything about this book I would change, although the story is a difficult one. I believe everyone got exactly what they deserved at the end and hope you will enjoy this journey as much as I did. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.37 by clicking here

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