
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Book Review: Vengeance by Marc Micciola (Age of Shadow Saga Book 2)

     Einar is intent to keep his and his new wife, Karina's, people safe from Black Light and Kemryr. The Master of Darkness is intent on ridding the world of the scourge known as humans, but he isn't quite the same man Otti remembers. Will he lose everything in his path to cleanse the world of Father's creation? Can Einar and Karina save their people before Kemryr turns his attention to every other race to pay for his incarceration? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I want to start by saying this is book two in a series and can absolutely not be read as a stand-alone. You have to start with book one, but they are both on Kindle Unlimited, so as long as you have that it won't be a problem. I have read book one and if you'd like to know about it first the link for my review to it will be below. 

    In my review of book one I mentioned that I wasn't sure how I felt about Einar agreeing to marry Karina after spending the entire book expressing how in love he was with the half dwarf woman. This was addressed in this book, before it was moved on from. I'm satisfied enough with that result and they seem happy with their life, so more power to them. 

    We also ended with Kemryr's escape in book one. Now that he is loose we see him intent on his goal to get rid of humanity and that he has lost a few screws in his time in captivity. He has went from the great protector to unhinged and mentally unstable. I get being in a place with nothing at all but darkness and your thoughts for centuries, but lashing out at loved ones isn't exactly the smartest move. We will see how that goes for him because personally I don't see it ending well.. 

    Still, Kemryr will stop at nothing to see his goal achieved which was bad news for the humans. We follow Einar and Karina across the country as they try to protect their people, accruing many losses along the way. I feel like the book ended in a good place. While not everything is resolved the main points in this book are addressed in a nice segway for the next book. I will tell you that the next book is not out as of now. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Ascension Book One

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