
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Book Review: I Know You by Russell Govan

     Eilidh is broken up with by her boyfriend directly after gaining admittance to university. In the ensuing argument she is knocked unconscious and wakes up in 1984 in a refugee camp as a nurse. She witnessed a young girl's last moments, taking her button with her when she returns home after sitting with a man by the nickname Dubya. Once home she convinces herself it was all a dream until she wakes up meeting the same boy from the camp years before in his home town. The next time she comes home she meets an old man in the onset of Alzheimer's with a tattoo of that day long since faded. She has two choices: stay with Walter for however long they have together or live her life in the present. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book was adorable from start to finish, but just a warning it will pull on your feels and make you cry sometimes if you are an easy crier. From the death of the little girl to a difficult choice between her family and the man she loves. 

    Every bit of this book is amazing and I would whole-heartedly read another by this author no questions asked. While her choices are difficult there is travelling back in time to seemingly random points in order to meet and better understand the amazing man found. This book take born in the wrong time frame to a whole other level and gives the main character the chance to fix this or stay in her own era. 

    I also love that she wasn't the only one in her family to face this decision and we are able to see a bit about the impact on those left behind because of this. It gives the character a full picture before her decision is made. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $9.95 by clicking here

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