
Monday, August 14, 2023

Book Review: The Oath and Blood Price: Part One by Peter-Shaun Tyrell

     Thalkin has been an orphan as long as he can remember. But, in Duria it is required that the inhabitants of a town care for their orphans. As such, he has been bounced around from house to house doing whatever that house tasks him with in exchange for what food and shelter they choose to provide him. Without the ability to get a normal education Thalkin does tasks for others in the town in exchange for learning skills that he hopes to use to one day leave this town. When Thalkin comes to his newest home instead of the normal abuse and starvation faced he meets compassion, caring, and opportunity. There is more than one option laid out for the young man with the arrival of a sword wielding woman. Will be maintain his oath or pay a blood price? 

    I received a paperback copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. The book starts out a bit slow before picking up once Thalkin finds his interest. I can't say the blood price was the one I expected, but it's generally something you wish could be avoided. It would be a rough thing to live with, although he didn't seem inclined to believe the same chain of events it seemed to me. 

    There is plenty of action and a bit of fantasy to be found within these pages, making for a great read. The characters are well rounded and you can feel both care and disdain. Not only from the main character but background characters as well. It's hard to tell much more about this book without giving everything away because it is ultimately Thalkin trying to find what suits him best with the skills he is able to acquire and the choices he must make. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

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