
Thursday, June 15, 2023

Book Review: Entropy by Michael McGinty

     In a post-apocalyptic wasteland where thinkers are kept safely within their cities and the others are left to wander the wastelands no one is the wiser. The thinkers are kept blissfully unaware of the horrors outside their walls. As far as they know they live in a blissful Eutopia. However, when one man breaks the cycle and leaves the city he must find a way to right all of these wrongs. The only other option would be to go back and forget once more. Something he is sure he could never do. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While I normally love post-apocalyptic books I struggled with this one. I will say that this book is a one and done. Based on the ending there is no where else to go on this planet. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. 

    The way the characters are portrayed the reader doesn't gain any sense of closeness or develop an attachment to them. At least I didn't. I can't say I was bothered by the loss of any particular one at a given time. That isn't to say that the book was poorly written, it wasn't. It just didn't spark my interest and keep me wondering to the last page like I believe was the intent.    

    I will say that the end was a bit of a surprise. All in all the book wasn't terrible it just wasn't for me. While these aren't the reasons I didn't love this book I will tell you a bit more about it. There are giant bugs that the nomadic people capture and eat to remain alive, everywhere is a desolate wasteland, and no one outside of the Thinker cities live inside houses although there are plenty abandoned. 

    Somehow although they are abandoned and owned by another country that will never visit (no clue if those other countries are as bad as this one, although it seems they likely are) none of the nomads are willing to enter the houses. In fact, if the so dubbed 'helpful man' is an accurate indicator of the masses they say things like 'not allowed' and 'we'll get in trouble'.  

    If you'd like to take the chance on this odd post-apocalyptic book it can be found on Amazon for $4.95 by clicking here

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