
Sunday, December 4, 2022

Book Review: The Dreams that Bind Us by Maximilian Lopez (Echoes of Etherium Book 1)

    The world as we know if is just one of many. The life we lead is one route taken within this multiverse. While we are unable to travel to others at this time, and many deny the possibility all together many people dream of these alternate realities. Selene, Joseph, and Corey all shared insight into the same parallel world during their dreams. Dr. K hopes that they will be able to take him with them into this land so that they might make their home a better place free of burning rains. Is this possible? Are they willing? Who is keeping secrets. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I haven't worked this this author before, but if you've been here for a while you know I love sci-fi books. Plus, I'm a huge geek, so travelling the multiverse is great. These characters are no Dr. Strange, but who is. Still, the book was good. 

    I have some issues, but that is mostly because I am very familiar with military, primarily US Navy. Now, this isn't our universe, obviously, as we don't have burning rains so the author may chock it up to that. Still when a petty officer is late for duty they don't have to scrub the brass. That was done away with many years ago. While officers can, with permission, get a second job they wouldn't be providing security for a college orientation. Much less serving appetisers. But, if we ignore all of the completely wrongs with the military aspect the book was good. For me that was a big detractor, but my best friend is active Navy which holds some sway. 

    Moving on. We are able to follow the story with ease after the first few chapters. When the book began it was jumping back and forth between realities and I wasn't sure what was going on. The more the book progressed the easier it was to differentiate. I am curious what would have happened if they hadn't "went with" Dr. K. How would things have changed? 

    Once I realized who was from what reality and who the person from the first chapter the end no longer surprised me. Still, I am curious how that link will be maintained if death occurs. You'll see what I mean. I do want to warn you there is quite a bit of religion when it comes to the primary world's Selene. Honestly I just skipped her entire sermon, skimming until that was gone. 

    I feel that the author did a great job of capturing what you'd expect a lot of actors who are just looking to get their names in the history books would be like with Joseph. His pride and self-serving attitude is going to get him in more trouble than he is worth. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here.  

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