
Sunday, October 9, 2022

Book Review: Ghostflowers by Rus Wornom

     Summer hadn't felt like she belonged in her little town in Virginia for a long time. Church was full of hypocrites and everyone seemed as backwards as the backwater town. Even her Ma hated that she wasn't like everyone else. But when a biker comes to town it was like she woke up. No longer content with her small town boyfriend and life Summer wants more. She wants this man with a fake name and everything he could offer. Michel doesn't want to pull her into his life, but some forces are unstoppable. So, why resist? 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. As I was reading this book it quickly became my favorite of my current reads and I found myself looking forward to each chapter that I read. It is hard to put down. That being said I don't really enjoy older books (this one is set in the 70s) because of the blatant racism and sexism they tend to exude. While there are components of both in this book they are largely glossed over, as if the author was being historically accurate while not trying to pay it homage. I liked the way that was handled. There is a lot of down your throat christianity portrayed in multiple scenes. Such as the mom referring to her daughter as a whore because she goes out drinking with her boyfriend and listens to rock music because her favorite TV pastor said that. 

    Still, the book wasn't done in a way that it was condoning the actions or beliefs. Simply putting them on display for the level of unhinged these people both were and are. I'm sorry if you believe that music is the root of all evil and is corrupting young minds. You're probably on the wrong review site because I'm gonna side against you. Moving on. This is a vampire book, but in no way is it a traditional vampire book. Yes, yes. They live forever and they drink blood. But, they can also turn into shadows and great beasts. Not complaining. I am always excited to find new twists on old tropes. There is plenty of blood, death, and love in this book. 

    The main character is rebellious, but isn't a bad person. She is an adult and is trying to figure out who she is. While it is abundantly clear that she isn't the same as the others in her town that doesn't mean she isn't good. She struggles with hurting her long-time boyfriend Rob while understanding that he isn't where she is meant to be. I get that. She does still live at home with her mother, but she is twenty and with how her mom acts throughout the book I'm surprised she didn't leave sooner. Verbally abusive parents are perfect for leaving behind. I can't say I would have done what Summer did for her mom at the end, but I'm a bit more heartless. 

    I am a little confused on Ben though. He is a longtime friend of Michel's who didn't know he was a vampire for sure until he seen him again. But the thing that I am not sure on is how the book wraps up. What happens to Ben? I suppose it isn't overly important in the Summer/Michel love story which seems far from over. Anyways, I am excited to see what more this author has for us in the future, be it with this story or any other. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $7.95 by clicking here

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