
Saturday, October 1, 2022

Book Review: Fiona's Guardians by Dan Klefstad

     With the change of times the need to secrete their existence has become paramount. No longer can they hunt to achieve their needed blood. Instead, guardians are implemented who can retrieve blood from blood banks, or other sources when needed. After all, it takes 10 pints a night to satisfy just one vampire. Be warned. Never use the v word or the s word you may learn later on. Don't even think it. She can hear your thoughts. You will be sacrificing your free time and all other commitments for her, but will be lavishly compensated financially. If your morals are strong seek other employ. Above all else: keep her safe. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. Those who have been around my blog for a while know that I am no stranger to vampire books, but this one was much different than others I have read. I was a bit skeptical because it is called Fiona's Guardians and I half expected it to be a MMR (Multiple Male Romance), which I do not read. Thankfully it was not. In fact this is not a romance at all. 

    Throughout this book they talk about how words like vampire and striga are taboo as are all versions of it. This isn't something I have seen in other books as there isn't an "acceptable" term to refer to them as. We follow Fiona as she intends to release her long-time guardian from service and allow him to go into retirement. In order for him to retire he must first train another to take on his duties of keeping her safe, financially stable, and well fed. While this is a task in itself a long-dead order of monks has returned with a vengeance. Their one goal is to eradicate all Striga from the world. 

    I mentioned before that this isn't a romance. This is true. While Daniel (Fiona's initial guardian) loves her and at one point wanted more from her than a guardian/ward relationship this never develops. I can understand why. Relationships get sticky when it is a working relationship. Besides, if he was to be turned she would have to find another guardian as he would no longer be able to preform his duties. 

    This book jumps perspectives a lot. We see from Daniel's point of view, Soren's (another vampire), Fiona's, and that of the trainee (Wolf). Because of this we are able to get an in-depth picture of multiple things happening simultaneously without distracting from the other point in the story. Unlike in a lot of other books that has a multi-perspective the reader is still kept in the dark about how events will unfold. Never is too much revealed that we know for certain one chain of events will come to pass, although they seem the most likely. 

    I can't say that I had a favorite character during the book. That being said I took pleasure in the corruptness of the church. Yes, yes. I know. People love religion. Most. We know my opinions on it and they aren't important right now. Just know that in this book there is corruptness and dirty secrets within the catholic church. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here