
Sunday, July 24, 2022

Book Review: Beach Town: Hope by Thomas Maxwell-Harris (Beach Town Book 2)

     After a virus spread across the UK turning people into zombies all hope seemed lost. However, under the leadership of Jim, a small community formed. The dead still reigned supreme outside of their erected safe zone, but for now everything was as good as could be expected. Things go bad quickly when on a scavenging run Michelle and two others run into group. They soon find that the zombies aren't their only threat, or even their biggest one. Sometimes the biggest threat is closer than you could ever imagine. 

    I impulse bought this book while scrolling through Twitter one day and spotted the authors suggestion. Zombie books are something I enjoy and this had the right markers. 

    I have been, unintentionally, reading a lot of post-apocalyptic and zombie books recently. Some better than others. This one would go far with some editing. There are multiple run on sentences, but for the most part the story is good and enjoyable. I highlighted different sections of this book and sent them to my best friend. I can't say he agreed with all the things I highlighted, but had to deal with them none-the-less. His primary complaint was a sentence about Roger wanting to keep his American Navy outfit because it was comfortable. As someone in the Navy he wanted to express his insistence that they are not at all comfortable. 

    I haven't read a lot of post-apocalyptic books in the UK, so this was different for me. The main points were still much what you would expect. However, the finite amount of guns and ammo was the biggest change. A community only having less than 10 guns here is almost unheard of. At least in the places I have lived. 

    I really enjoyed the betrayal in this book and how it was done. This does end on both a cliffhanger and a somber note. I have to suggest you don't get attached to any particular character in this book because no one is safe. Because of this I don't have a favorite character. The outside group was an interesting twist and I am still not sure that I understand fully about them even now. One sentence in the book throws me, but it doesn't go into any more detail than that one place. I won't say what it is because it would give away a big point in this book and we all know I hate spoilers. 

    When I started this book I was under the impression it was book 1. I don't know why. That being said it can be read as a standalone. I don't feel like I was missing anything not having read book 1. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

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