
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Book Review: Darklands Online Book 2 by David Bushman

     After leveling up his first day Kurt once again travels into Darklands Online to play with his brother. With a new update comes new challenges as well as manipulations from the AI Nocturna. Together with his brother and his newfound friends, Bhae and Carmen, they face new monsters and dungeons in this land of never-ending night. Just what awaits them with this rogue AI remains to be seen in this newest installment of Darklands Online. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Much like with the first book I had problems putting it down. I wanted to know what happened next rather than stopping to do whatever task I had at hand, normally clocking into work. The characters were further developed and we learned more about Bhea and Carmen. Such as the fact that one of the girls are hispanic, at least partially. I thought it was an interesting little tidbit, but I can't remember now which of the girls it was. I want to say Carmen, but I could be wrong. It was in the scene about eating tacos. 

    I am curious about what will happen in book 3 due to how book 2 ends. I know he will be able to get a message out about what happened, but I am curious how long it will last as well as what will be found. I mean it wasn't completely his fault after-all. Yes, I am aware I am being vague. I don't like spoilers. This book again stops in a good stopping place where you don't feel like you are missing the point of this book in the series, which I enjoy. 

    I still can't say that I like Greg in this book. He complains so frequently that he's hard to love. I know his situation and everything and I'm sure that has impact on it, but he's petulant. Grins was a very small part of this book, so I can't say if he is still my favorite character or not. I am curious about that giant creature they fought in the dungeon and if we will see it again in a later book. 

    Completely can say without hesitation that I enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed book 1 and hope that I get a chance to read others in this series, however long it may become. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author:

Darklands Online Book 1

Darklands Online Book 3

Darklands Online Book 4

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