
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Book Review: Her Name is Murder by A. C. Merkel (Lady Dreamscapes Book 1)

     Cursed with immortality and youth Murder Lavot has lived for almost 500 years with her best friend and brother, Levi, at her side. Through it all the one that cursed her seeks revenge, feeling that she has not suffered enough. When Levi's life is threatened they find that other guardians want rid of their immortal charges as well, no matter the cost. Will Murder give up her immortality for the freedom of others and will they survive the transition?

    I received a Kindle redemption code for this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have long looked forward to this book coming to the top of my TBR and am so glad it finally did. This book comes highly recommended by one of my favorite indie authors, Anna Mocikat, and I can see why she loves it. This book will draw you in from the first page, making you dread putting it down!

    I loved both Murder and Levi in this book, and I can't honestly tell you which is my favorite. Levi was beyond adorable and sassy while a bit overwhelmed with social situations, something I am very familiar with. Although, he is a bit more prone to physical contact than I. Then there is Murder. Redhead. Sigh. I have such a soft spot for them. She is a hopeless romantic and impossible not to love. She is ferocious but still comes off as delicate. It is a fascinating combination and the author did a fantastic job. 

    I hope that I am able to read more from this author in the future as this was a fun and entertaining read. While nothing in it was shocking it was enjoyable from the first to the last. I hope everything goes well for Murder, Grant, and Levi in the future beyond what is defined in the Epilogue. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: The Party Room by M Novak

     When a horrible crime is committed in a trendy bar in England to a young woman the possibilities are staggering...unless it was one of the regulars. The regulars are a rag-tag bunch where damages abound. The person who did it may be obvious or not. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. By the time I started reading this book, as is often the case, I had forgotten what it was about. Just flipping through I have to admit that I was a bit leery. It looked like it was going to be set up similar to a screen-play because it had a characters name followed by a segment and so it continued. I am happy to note that this was not the case. While it would be easy enough to make into a screen-play because of this, the story is basically the characters giving their first-hand accounts. 

    Over the course of the book we learn about each character and the events that led up to the committed crime, which is initially mentioned in the preface. While I always read the preface you have to in this book's case. The author does not go back and reiterate the points in it, as it was already covered. So, without that you would be missing a piece of the puzzle. If you are the type who normally skips the preface I strongly suggest you make an exception in this case. 

    The author, in providing background of the characters, will have you frequently changing your mind on who the culprit was. Derik-the sleezeball. Yes, I'm going with that term. You'll understand why in the book. Couldn't help himself and wasn't his fault my ass. Alex-the controlling pain. Revenge can be a powerful beast. Aaron-the ex-con. Being dumped hurts. Lexi-the Barbie-girl. Getting by on your looks only lasts for so long. Lola-the woman scorned. Someone from the bar was sleeping with her long-time boyfriend. Jed-the cheating prick. Almost a decade squandered because he was bored. Prick. Jen-petty hairdresser. Looking down on those pursuing a college degree can lead to some pent-up anger. Sunny-hardworking bar-man and DJ. With a mother and younger brother at home needing care and his other brother in jail it's on him to take care of his family. Just how far will he go, though? Briony-wild child. 18 year old who thinks others need to loosen up with a dark past. Claudia-sheltered princess. Little self-absorbed at the beginning, but all in all my favorite character in this book for some reason. Not that I had stellar choices. Amelia-the abused. She really didn't want to be there in the first place after everything. Can't say I blame her. Harry-bar owner in his 50s. Overly friendly with the young people in his bar and a bit of a drunk. I didn't actually suspect him, though. Rick-Harry's friend's kid who works at the bar. Bit of a slacker at first, but another I didn't suspect. Finally, Gavin-construction worker with a bad temper. He has hurt people badly in the past, so violence wasn't something he was unfamiliar with. 

    As always I won't give it away and hope that these brief descriptions of the characters have you seeking out who was the victim as well as who was the culprit. I genuinely enjoyed this drug-induced mystery and hope you will too. Can you choose the right person for the crime?

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Book Review: The Cold Winter by Chris Underwood (The Cold Winter Book 1)

     A cyber attack on the power grid plunges Ohio into darkness. New England's power grid tries to compensate for the dark patch and they go down as well. While normally inconvenient there is a blizzard on the way and there will be no help coming. Thom had once been a prepper, but after falling too far down the rabbit hole his wife had put a stop to it a few years prior. Now, Thom is thankful for the supplies he has and he and his family open their home to others who have been caught unawares. With looters, poachers, and a drug-ravaged state now going cold-turkey off medications every refugee who approaches poses a threat to this little house in Galena. Will they choose the wrong one and endanger their families? How many lives will be lost before this cold winter ends? 

    I received a paperback of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I started this book I was confused about the fact that it jumps from 3 years after the event to the event in question. Each time it took me out of the story I was slightly annoyed by that fact. I'm not here for boating. I'm here to figure out if they survive this winter. But, I'm glad I held on because those parts end up being important and don't give away nearly what I initially thought. Of which I am glad. 

    The ending of this book is good, but it feels incomplete. Is there a second book coming for this series? I know this is one of three books the author has published, but since another of his books is sitting beside me and there is an alien on the cover somehow I doubt it has anything to do with the cold winter. This thriller leaves your forgetting the world around you, considering a prepper lifestyle of your own, glad that our own winter has ended. 

    Being only a few hours from the Ohio line in Eastern Indiana that could get ugly. I've voiced my complaints on the boating scenes simply because I felt they removed me from the action and what I really wanted to know, but in the end they weren't a complaint at all. Simply a needed part of the story. I didn't guess at that ending and I'm sure you won't either. I have already suggested this book to a co-worker and she has it downloaded and on her phone now for as soon as she finishes another mystery she is reading. 

    When I initially agreed to the review the author posed it to me as an apocalyptic book. Of course, if you have been reading my reviews for any length of time, I have a soft spot for apocalyptic books. Not sure why, perhaps just a change of scenery or the fact that something is going to happen is inevitable. Nothing is permanent. While this event isn't apocalyptic, as far as I'm concerned, the fall-out from it could be world-changing. Fall-out from retaliation and the possibility of a war brought to our soil opens so many possibilities in this written world. What's scarier is that this is an entirely probable scenario. 

    If you are easily spooked be warned, otherwise I completely suggest you hop in and enjoy the ride Chris takes you on. After all, this could happen...

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

    I just went to Amazon to get my customary link for my reviews as well as current pricing and seen that there is a second book to this: The Cold Winter: Call to Arms. I'm sure it will be as good as this one, but as I neither have it nor have read it yet I couldn't say. Still, it is worth knowing that there is more to the story after this book ends. 

Books by this author:

The Creatures of Holden Beach...and the Murder they did NOT Commit!

The Cold Winter: Call to Arms (The Cold Winter Book 2)

Monday, April 25, 2022

Book Review: Standards and Duty by Louise Hazeldine

     When my best friend asked me to take care of her daughter if something ever happened to her and her husband of course I agreed. How could I not? Besides, I loved that little girl as if she were my own. But when Felicity Brimley-Smith ends their life I have a choice to make. Leave my everything to go back to my ex-boyfriend and friend to raise the baby together or ignore the promise I had made years before. What would you choose?

    I purchased this book at the suggestion of the author. I can't say I loved this book. In fact, I spent a great deal of the book actively hating Mimi. Everyone has their own parenting styles and this book has a lot more religion then I care to read. To each their own on that front. This is the third catholic oriented book I have read in as many years and I can't find much to enjoy about those aspects of the books. 

    I will say that this book is well-written and moves you to tears at more than one occasion. Initially I thought her a fool for leaving the way she did. Then once her decision was made and they were seemingly happy I accepted that role in the book. If your happy then that's all that matters. After disaster struck she made her choice and I again began questioning her. Why go through all that just to MARRY someone you don't love? 

    Maybe because this book is set in the 70s/80s it's something I can't understand fully. I wasn't born until the mid 90s so having to be married for both parties to adopt seems a bit much. That and this was set in England and I can't say I'm privy to their policies. I couldn't imagine leaving the man I love to marry and raise a child with my friend who is also my ex. I have someone that fits the bill and he's a good man, but I couldn't imagine marrying him and raising a child with him. He'd be a great father, don't get me wrong, but the spark long since died on my end of that relationship. Much like in Michael's case, not on his end, which is an occasional rubbing point on our friendship.

    I'm trying to choose my words carefully here so as not to give too much away. I will say that the young woman that the baby in question grew up to be reacted in much the way I expected when she read the email Mimi sent her. I'm proud of her for it. Mimi's ultimate choice was also very expected and I am surprised that the book didn't have an Epilogue. 

    Alright, I've complained enough about this. Time for the good points. I've already stated that it's well-written and will move you to emotion. These are both valid points, but the author makes you feel for the characters. Each of them. Annoyance, frustration, argumentative, sadness, happiness all of it. It is rare to feel something for all the characters in a book instead of just one or two so the fact that the author is able to inspire pity into even a background character like the grandfather of the young woman is something that should go unnoted. 

    Places were also descriptive and while the book was told in first person I still walked away from it knowing the primary characters names. It was easy to see the events of this story play out as you read along the pages. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Book Review: Flight of the 500 by C. D. Tavenor

     When Raith gets out of a 20 year prison sentence for cooking the races he has a life-long ban and has no idea what he is going to do. His old crew is dead and racing is his goal and passion. When Olivia meets him once he's released with the offer to race and his own ship it is an offer he can't refuse. However, the Conglomerate, and reason he was cooking the races in the first place, aren't willing to let his debt rest in the past. Can Raith stand this battle of wills to run a clean race or will he be back under someone else's command just like before? 

    I received this audiobook from the narrator in exchange for an honest review. Initially I was a bit confused why we were focused on another, new, character when in books 1 and 2 it had been about Theren and, to a lesser extent, Jill. About 60% of the way through I looked it up and realized this is a stand-alone novel set in the same universe as First of Their Kind and Their Greatest Game. You can completely read this book without having read Books 1 and 2, however I would suggest reading this before getting started on Book 3. I am 22 minutes into Their Pieces Were Stars and it has already made mention of the race Wraith and Carter ran together in this book. 

    There is murder, sabotage, and mystery in this race among the stars and I enjoyed this book more than the others set in this universe. Raith was a bit of an arrogant ass at the beginning and still plenty annoying at the end, but the character growth was extreme to say the least. I will say I am a bit sad to see what happened to the crew, but c'est la vie. Who the person putting pressure on Raith was and who they worked for felt a bit obvious to me considering I had read books 1 and 2. If I hadn't I wouldn't have known until the author was ready for us to know. 

    I can't say that I particularly had a favorite character in this book. I can say that the twins, listening to them on audiobook, was extremely painful. The layering of the two voices simultaneously created a headache whenever they spoke and I can't say I was sad when they were no longer talking. This wouldn't be a problem if reading the book, but that isn't to say the audiobook is bad. It's not. As with all other books I have listened to narrated by Benjamin Fife it has been an entertaining listen if only for the effort he puts into the characters. No matter if I'm bored with the story it's not because of a bad narrator. (No that wasn't the case with this book.)

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Friday, April 22, 2022

Book Review: Immersion Online: The Symbiont by Evan Klein (Immersion Online Book 3)

     After Mace’s second heart attack while facing the Zealot he is ready to jump back into the game and hopes to a relaxing first day. He is immediately greeted by a snow storm in the normally sunny town of Grandview. Shannon is hard at work finding a way to restore the weather when The Queen calls on Mace to come to her royal gardens. Here he finds the murdered bodies of one of the Queen’s Ladies in Waiting and her two month old child. The City of Grandview granted a quest that the murderer must be find and brought to justice or the weather will get worse. While ghastly, things get much worse when someone is murdered in the same way a few miles from Mace’s home in the real world. Now they must band together with the local detective, Donna Driver, to stop these gruesome murders before more babies are killed. 

     I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have enjoyed the last two books in this series and other than the baby murder this one was no different. Being a mom kids that are around my kids age being killed bothers me a bit, but I know it is something that happens and it’s going to be depicted in stories as well. 

     Baring that fact the story was enjoyable. I can honestly say in this unique who-done-it where you don’t know who the murderer is until the author wants you to. I am curious what is going to happen in the next book with the sure to ensue battle. I am sure that the next book in the series will be just as good as books 1-3. 

    My favorite character had one whole line in this book, on almost the last page, but it seems like the moonshiner will be in the next book. My second favorite is Tinsie, obviously, and she was a large part of this book. Her attitude is unmatched and it is impossible not to love her. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

    If you haven't already read the other books in this series check out my reviews below!

    Immersion Online: The Noob (Immersion Online Book 1)

    Immersion Online: The Zealot (Immersion Online Book 2)

    Immersion Online: The Herald (Immersion Online Book 4) 

Book Review: Daughter of Man by Jacob Steven Mohr

     Diamanda appeared one day in the encampment of the 21st brigade with one goal: the kill the pigs and thereby win the war. The Rollog were primitive beasts, but they were quick to kill the men that is until these pig-like creatures began to advance with weapons and castings. Diamanda may be the only hope and Private Foley is the only one who truly knows what happened. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have already read another of Jacob's books The Unwelcome and although he told me this was different from that horror/thriller I have to admit I was still expecting something similar. In some ways there were similarities, but for the most part it was a different experience. 

    With Daughter of Man we start with an old man telling a story to a young scholar of something that happened years ago in exchange for alcohol. While the enemies started out as little more than hunting parties the threat from them soon grew until it was almost like a real battle. Although the battles were largely handled by one character. 

    I didn't feel any particular attachment to any of the characters, so I can't say that one was my favorite. The book was entertaining as we learned how the battles went and how Diamanda was the daughter of man. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here.

Books by this author: 

The Unwelcome

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Book Review: Darklands Online Book 2 by David Bushman

     After leveling up his first day Kurt once again travels into Darklands Online to play with his brother. With a new update comes new challenges as well as manipulations from the AI Nocturna. Together with his brother and his newfound friends, Bhae and Carmen, they face new monsters and dungeons in this land of never-ending night. Just what awaits them with this rogue AI remains to be seen in this newest installment of Darklands Online. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Much like with the first book I had problems putting it down. I wanted to know what happened next rather than stopping to do whatever task I had at hand, normally clocking into work. The characters were further developed and we learned more about Bhea and Carmen. Such as the fact that one of the girls are hispanic, at least partially. I thought it was an interesting little tidbit, but I can't remember now which of the girls it was. I want to say Carmen, but I could be wrong. It was in the scene about eating tacos. 

    I am curious about what will happen in book 3 due to how book 2 ends. I know he will be able to get a message out about what happened, but I am curious how long it will last as well as what will be found. I mean it wasn't completely his fault after-all. Yes, I am aware I am being vague. I don't like spoilers. This book again stops in a good stopping place where you don't feel like you are missing the point of this book in the series, which I enjoy. 

    I still can't say that I like Greg in this book. He complains so frequently that he's hard to love. I know his situation and everything and I'm sure that has impact on it, but he's petulant. Grins was a very small part of this book, so I can't say if he is still my favorite character or not. I am curious about that giant creature they fought in the dungeon and if we will see it again in a later book. 

    Completely can say without hesitation that I enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed book 1 and hope that I get a chance to read others in this series, however long it may become. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author:

Darklands Online Book 1

Darklands Online Book 3

Darklands Online Book 4

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Book Review: Immortal by Matthew Stenning

     Karingali is a fantastical medieval type game world where you design your characters, go on quests, and level up. But what happens to those characters when the users aren't around? Or if they quit the game entirely? These characters become known as ghosted or dispossessed and have to fend for themselves in the vain hope that one day their users will return for them. Except some are desperate for freedom from their users to do and say as they please. In the struggle for independence they have found a glitch into another world, but the Dynast which controls the game has no desire to be rid of that which it can control and these elves, humans, dwarves, and even a vampire must do everything in their power to stop the Dynast and regain their freedom. 

    I received this book from the publicist Henry Roi in exchange for an honest review. While I was initially thrilled at the prospect of the book as it started with a gaming character being sentient and trying to escape their user my desire soon dwindled. The story is great. Plot is intriguing and I genuinely wanted to know what happened in the story. 

    The biggest issue with this book isn't one that can easily be solved. The author simply tried too hard and instead of just writing the book and making it an entertaining read they spent so much time trying to use eloquent words that made the read tedious. If you overlook the fact that the writing style is beyond boring and how many times the author flops back and forth over the state of females dress the story is good. 

    As with any RPG male users will frequently cause their female characters to have large busts and barely any clothes. Keeping that in the story is completely fine because, hey, it's something that happens and really isn't an issue. But where one second they are user "possessed" and then when they are free they are still dressing like that and every time a male character is looking at them it is leering it quickly gets old. 

    Grimalkin is my favorite character since she is very unique. She is the only vampire and even that description of her is not traditional. She has hind hooves, grey skin, wings, claws, and fangs. I think because of her being different she became my favorite character. She is also the only one that doesn't need to be scantily clad at all times. That being said even that isn't consistent. One second she is in understandable clothes and then she's back in slutty clothes even though she isn't in Karingali anymore. Annoying, but not the character's fault. 

    I think this is the first LitRPG book that I haven't completely loved. While I understood the writing and many people from other reviews seemed to enjoy it I feel like it took away from the story itself. It felt like they were just trying too hard. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Book Review: Fall of a Dungeon House by John Stovall (City of Masks Book 1)

     James was born with the unique perk to be an overlord, but as third son to the next Dungeon lord his chances to use it are slim. His grandfather, Leviathan - who was over level 50, found a way around this by securing the first Tier 2 dungeon core and a monster boss willing to ally with the new faction. When Leviathan is killed the Toledo house passes on to James' father and he learns of this path his grandfather intended for him. The only problem is the Dark Gods do not want this champion of the light to succeed and James' family is slain. Being level 1 and betrayed by those closest to him James escapes to the wharf and must now find trustworthy allies to seek his vengeance, secure the future his grandfather intended, and stay alive. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I read that it was a LitRPG I expected the traditional type of someone playing a VR game and us reading the adventure. In this book however, it is just a normal adventure story with leveling up and perks. Basically if an RPG decided there would be no actual players only NPCs who didn't know it was a game and they were left to their own devices. That is the best way I have to explain this. It was a big difference from what I have come to expect from this genre, but I enjoyed the read from cover to cover. I also hope to be able to read the rest of this series when it comes out. 

    James is 19 in this book and he acts it. Thinking with his dick for large portions of the book while Flea, who is of a similar age, calls him on it. You can tell that he lived a sheltered life from his inexperience and how he refers to things throughout. Flea tries to act tough, but with her slim build it is basically like a small child threatening you. All bark and no bite. Although Leviathan was only portrayed in James' thoughts and in journal excerpts he was probably my favorite character in the story. 

    This book ends at a good stopping place, but with much more of the story left to complete. You don't feel like the author paused mid thought like in some books. Also, this book is one of the seemingly rare anymore that titles the chapters. There is even a Theory of a Deadman title as one. Not that I'm complaining. It made me smile when I read it. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Book Review: Vagrant by Gabe Thompson and Janet Post (The Vagrant Chronicles Book 1)

     With the discovery of diamonds and gold on other planets The Company needed more workers to mine them. As a result all prisoners were sent to these to become minors. Back on Earth the company had added a drug, Sopore, to the corn supply making the population tractable. Those who didn't conform or who lost their jobs became Vagrants and Mole People living in the underground. Enforcers hunt them as anyone without an identification chip is fair game. This is what happened to Logan's father 5 years ago. Since then he has become a runner, running to the surface for much needed supplies. When his young shadower, Raj, is captured during a medical supply run Logan vows to get him back. Even if that means travelling to the Moon holding prison or even off-world. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I received both the audiobook and an ebook, although I ended up reading the eBook copy as the audiobook had a slight hiccup around chapter 8. I let the author know and he's in the process of getting it resolved, so by the time you get the audiobook it will likely be resolved. What I listened to of the audiobook was great and engaging I just didn't want to potentially miss anything which is why I switched to the eBook. 

    This entire book is amazing. I genuinely hated Shayna. She whined non-stop and by the end I was rolling my eyes every time she was so much as mentioned. But options are limited and for some reason he likes her. To each their own. Logan, Raj, Knock, and Eddie are all great. Knock was easily my favorite character. He gave off a skater boy vibe while being level-headed and willing to follow his friend into his various plans. 

    I love scifi books and the post-apocalyptic company takeover is one that could happen and people likely wouldn't notice immediately. Not if they added a drug to anything with corn in it. Corn is in basically everything and I will admit to giving my Monster a sideways look during the energy drink scene. Thankfully ours are safe. Well, there aren't drugs in them at least. I will readily admit that I was ass surprised as Logan when it came to Eddie and his plans. That being said I hope it works and would love to know what happens next. 

    This book is one that starts with an idea and while it solves the main issue of the book there is still plenty more to learn from the story. It will easily be able to continue into a series. According to Amazon there are a total of three books in this series. You can get book one and start the adventure for $3.99 by clicking here

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Book Review: The Back Up Plan: Giving Up or Moving on? by Elsie McArthur

     Marsaili had always wanted to be an actress but on the other side of 30 and not having a gig in forever this plan isn't working out so well. Instead, she works the bar at a little theatre. But, at least she has a nice flat with her best friend, her parents are only a few hours by train away, and a handsome actor has started showing her attention. No, things aren't how she planned, but she's not quite ready to go to her back-up teaching plan yet. After-all, those who can't-teach...right? Except her best friend Isla is a teacher and shadowing with her is oddly rewarding...

    I bought this book at the suggestion of the author. I have started and stopped this book multiple times before finally finishing it today. There isn't a thing wrong with this book, I just have to be in the mood for this type of contemporary romance. Unfortunately for this books place on my TBR that was not as frequently as it should have been. But, with it being Indie April and this being an Indie book I felt it was time to finish what I started. 

    Forbes is easily my favorite character in the book. I mean, how could you not love the gay best friend? Me and my gay bestie are currently not talking, so living vicariously through a character it is. Mine's not nearly as flamboyant as Forbes, who totally has a Lafayette from Sookie Stackhouse feel, but I love him all the same. He's just in the doghouse until he sobers up. Seriously though if you have read any of the Sookie Stackhouse books or even watched TrueBlood and loved Lafayette then you will love Forbes as much as I do!

    Marsaili has an interesting love life, but most of the issues she faces are her own fault. I can't blame two of the guys on her. Cheating is nothing you can control, but the others? Yup she walked away and that's on her. The main love interest in this book has more patience than I would have in regards to her. Frankly I think he deserves better, but the heart wants what it wants. 

    Something that confused/bothered me in this book was she is portrayed as being an overly curvy girl in numerous places, but at one point while laying in bed her partner runs his hands along the bumps of her ribs. I will be the first to admit that I am not a small woman and overly curvy fits my body type pretty well. I guarantee touching my ribs you aren't going to be feeling any bumps other than where my gallbladder incision is and that doesn't count. 

    Ignoring that one spot that only stuck out to me by not being small the book was really interesting. As always I love a book set in Ireland, although this one is more focused on London Marsaili is from Ireland so it is close enough. We even get a few scenes of the book in her hometown, so I am counting it. I love the countryside, the men, the red hair, basically everything and hope to go there one day. The author does a great job depicting the scenes so that you feel you can see the seals playing in the water or Euan acting on the stage. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.73 by clicking here. This book is also available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: Supra/Normal by A. C. McDermott

     Julia got her powers when she was 12 and has spent the last 4 years doing her best to stop bullies while keeping a low profile. No one must know she has super strength and invincibility or else the Supreme President and his band of normalizers will arrest them and give them a choice: join in the hunt for other supra's or be killed. When she saves her crush from the certain death in the gym she reveals her closely kept secret and goes on the run. While in hiding she is found by the supposedly evil doctor that played a key role in the war between Supra's and Normal's that led to their banning. The Doc takes her back to their home where she meets with Penny, Leon, and Monica and everything seems to be going great until they learn that another Supra has been found because of her escape. Now they must band together if they want to save others like them. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book has been staring at me since the moment I got it in the mail and I have been anxiously awaiting it's turn on my TBR list. I will say that it was worth the wait, but in your case why wait?    

    Most of the superpowers are pretty typical. Super strength, super intelligence, flight, and flame. Superheroes and all things super-powered are banned. Based on that (which is in the synopsis on the back of the book, in different words) I got a lot of Incredibles vibes. Once I started the book, however, I was very wrong. I don't really have anything to compare it to, but I greatly enjoyed the read. I started the book and finished it the next day. I will say that I feel the synopsis on the back focuses too much on Steve versus the actual main character in the story. Yes, he plays a part, but I don't feel it was as big of a deal as the overview made it seem. 

    I kept waiting on him to take charge when honestly I spent most of the book not liking his character. He whined more than any teenage boy or girl I have ever met and outside of his power was pretty useless. My favorite character was Penny. Although a 12 year old in pigtails seems a bit odd. Pigtails are normally for younger girls, but hey to each their own. Who doesn't love a sweet little nerd girl who can build her own AI?

    I hope that this book leads to others where we find out more that happens to this little band of outcasts. I want to know how they make their future and if their ultimate dream becomes a reality. The author does a good job of making petulant teen characters that you want to strangle at times and like at others. Especially Monica. I didn't like her at all at the beginning, but by the end she had grown on me. I can't say I'm attached to her, but she isn't that bad. Then there is Leon. Although he is the oldest I just want to bubble wrap him and keep him cocooned in safety. Amusing considering his back-story. 

    If you love superheroes you should really read this book. It is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Book Review: Agent of Enchantment by C. N. Crawford and Alex Rivers (Dark Fae FBI Book 1)


    I thought this was going to be a simple profiling case. Fly to London, profile the murderer and go home. Maybe stop at some of the famous London Ripper murder spots my friend Scarlett is always going on about. If I have time. But ever since the plane touched down I've been getting these weird feelings and suppressed memories of Horace keep popping up. Best not to think on those. Then, this man Roan who saved me from a couple of thugs that first night is following me around acting like he has all the answers so long as I go along with his every plan. No matter how sexy he is he has just made it to the top of my suspect pool.  I just have to solve this before I get sucked into all their weirdness going on in this city. 

    This book was a BookBub suggestion in 2017 and I have always enjoyed a good fantasy. The cover has fire on it, so it is a bit misleading to what you expect her power to be, but that is okay. Then I have this minor obsession with crime TV shows. I almost always have Criminal Minds, NCIS, Bones, or Castle on in the background when the kids aren't in the room. I have to have some kind of balance between all the cartoons the kids watch and my balance is murder. 

    While I struggled with the first person point of view in this book it didn't take too much away from the overall storyline. It just read more like a journal than a book because of it. I'm just so used to third person books that first person is out of the norm for me. The powers in this book were a bit atypical as well. The ability to travel through mirrors, feeding off emotions, and an invisibility potion that turns everyone invisible to the user. 

    I can't say that I had a favorite character in this book, although Roan did make it hard not to love him. A little stalkerish and very willing to take any advantage he can get, but loveable none-the-less. Gabriel was adorable, but he didn't really rank in the comparison. I would say it's like comparing Derek Morgan to Spencer Reed but I can't because I'm the odd one who would choose Reed over Morgan and there is nothing geeky about Roan. 

    I was pleasantly surprised as to who the murderer was until the scene right before we meet him. I kept expecting it to be the Fae King who had banned all pixies, but what happened works better for a later storyline, I'm sure. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: Whiteout by Kathleen Lee

     Growing up Maggie and Nikka had to walk on eggshells whenever they were around their mother. No loud noises and just the sight of Maggie was frequently enough to set her off. Dishes were thrown, words were said, and very occasionally blood was even shed. At the first chance she got Maggie decided to move to Ottawa and go to University to escape her mother's wrath. Nikka had decided to stay and take care of her parents since she didn't receive the brunt of her mother's outbursts like her younger sister. 

    While away Maggie flourished in her life and the two girls remained close. She graduated, got her own place, and started at her dream career. Meanwhile, Nikka still lived with her parents, but had a steady boyfriend she loved and had started her own bookkeeping business. Everything was going as great as can be expected until on Remembrance Day Nikka was driving her parents up to Ottawa for an unknown reason the car wrecked. 

    With this catastrophic event everything in Maggie's life changes. The job she has worked so hard for becomes threatened, her amazing apartment must go, and even the man she was seeing becomes a distant fond memory. At each turn Maggie is struggling to cope with this new life thrust upon her while two questions plague her: Why were you coming to Ottawa? and Are you in there? 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. At first I wasn't overly excited to read this book because I struggle with reading abuse situations, especially towards children. You live something and you don't want to bleed into your readings, even almost a decade after the situation has ended. But, I kept reading and in a lot of ways I related to Maggie. Don't tell anyone what happens at home. The phrase we had was "What happens at home stays at home." 

    She gamely stepped up at each turn she faced and what she felt towards her mother I don't know that I would be able to feel the same in her place. I haven't spoken to mine since 2014 and am happy with that. Nikka is amazing and I hope that she reaches a point where that everything in her life achieves some sort of normality again. Both for her sake and Maggie's. 

    The events in this book are very plausible and realistic, to the point where while I was talking about the book with a co-worker he asked if it was based on a real story and I had to hunt the answer down. It is not, by the way. However, it is an enjoyable but heart-wrenching story. If you are a crier be warned. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $15.95 by clicking here. I was unable to find an eBook copy of it on Amazon, only the physical copy. 

Monday, April 4, 2022

Book Review: Awakening by Jennifer Leah Pezzano


    Jezebel moved to the stormy New England town to start a new life and escape from her past. Here she started her own cleaning business, and while she enjoyed her life, it was a solitary one. While she had been curious about the house on the bluff since she had moved there she had no idea who owned it or anything about it until she gets a call one day asking her to come and take on the job. She agrees and comes face to face with the sexy August. He seems like a period romance cover and acts like it to. However, there is more to this man who awakens intense feelings within her than meets the eye. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. It almost comes off as a period paranormal romance while being in a contemporary setting. It is just very flowery writing. A lot of people who enjoy period romances would like that fact, personally I am not a fan. That isn't to say I didn't enjoy the book. If you ignore the writing style I enjoyed the story itself. 

    Jezebel received her name in a dream after the death of her parents. She still holds the scars from the crash that ended their lives, both physically and mentally. August has scars of this own from his childhood trauma as well as the loss of his wife. Together they may be able to heal and form a future. 

    In this book August is a vampire of sorts that feeds off life energy transferred through the "donor's" sexual release while feeding. If he drinks from one person for too long it can deplete their life-energy and cause them to become sick and die. It is definitely a different way of the traditional and I can't say I loved that aspect. From the voyeuristic encounters to providing sexual release for people other than their partners. Definitely not for me. Thankfully that is only a prevalent part at the end of the book, so it's not something that bothered me for most of the book. 

    I enjoyed the descriptions of the settings in the book. From the stormy coastline town to the Italian vineyard. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Book Review: DarkLands Online by David J. Bushman (DarkLands Online Book 1)

     Kurt's brother has been driving him nuts to join him in playing the new DarkLands Online, an immersive VR game that the developers want to feel as realistic as possible. When they start playing Greg quickly dies, becoming a Wisp and haunting his brother. In doing so he becomes a walking/floating tutorial. While Greg wants Kurt to focus on the main storyline Kurt decides to follow a seemingly boring side quest since it was one Greg had already done anyway. In doing so he finds a whole new aspect of the game that intrigues him and has his brother nervous. Could it be possible that on his first day Kurt's character Turk has already uncovered something no one else has managed since launch?

    I received this audiobook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This approach was different than many others I do simply because Anna Mocikat, who I have done reviews for frequently over the last 2 years, suggested this series to me and they reached out at her recommendation after I gave her the green light. I value Anna's opinion and she has yet to steer me wrong on a book, this one included. 

    While I am relatively new to VR/LitRPG books I haven't found one yet that I don't enjoy. This book reminded me a lot of Evan Klein's book series Immersion Online in that character stats were displayed while reading. I have to admit that I think I would have enjoyed this book more if I had read it versus listened to it. The narrators were great and I have nothing but good things to say about them. It was just the notification chime, I swear that noise was more annoying than Navi.  

    Anyways, on to the important part: this book. Readers are drawn in from the beginning to find out where this mysterious path will lead and how everything will play out. DarkLands is a unique read as I have yet to stumble across the concept of whatever you can do in real life reflects how you can play the game. With that I loved every aspect of it, including the authors subtle tip of the head to older videogames. I look forward to what this series holds in the future. 

    My favorite character in the book was Grins. Not entirely sure why, he just seemed like a loveable asshole. I will say that I knew about Greg's little RW surprise by the end of chapter one. By the third hint there wasn't a doubt in my mind. I won't give it away, because it was something that gave me pleasure being right on. Not the situation, mind you, that'd be terrible. But, that I found the crumbs the author was dropping. 

    Truly an amazing start to a series that, while it doesn't answer all questions posed, stops in a good place. You don't feel like you are missing part of the story while still left wanting more. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author:

Darklands Online Book 2

Darklands Online Book 3

Darklands Online Book 4