
Friday, March 11, 2022

Book Review: Night Angel: The Dead Island by Ghada Elgazzar

     Xana is a fairy princess born to normal fairy parents, but she is far from normal. She is part of a prophesy, glows, and has the wings of an angel. Since a young age she was trained by werewolves, warlocks, and angels to keep the mundanes safe from downworlders. Now that she has become an enforcer with her friends Micheal, the werewolf, and Alston, an elvin prince, will she be able to keep her promises? 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I was sent the book I was advised of typos and grammatical issues within. I have to agree that this is very correct and hope they have since been resolved. Since it was pointed out to me before I began reading I won't take it away in the review. Just making a note of it. 

    This is a fantasy book that involves multiple races in a way you don't typically see. We have the savior, which is always the main character, who was raised to protect humans from demons. Werewolves, Elves, and the Fairies are all working together while vampires toe the line so as not to be hunted. 

    Xana was raised with her boys, Michael and Alston, and loves them dearly. They are everything to her until she spots a pretty mundane singing in the park one day: Jamie. Now she is willing to break every law just to be with this human, but will it be worth it? Afterall, she has bent the rules before to save a vampire from his pack because he didn't want to hurt anyone.

    Then there is Alston. He comes off as stand-offish, but as we learn more about him it seems he was trained to be that way. I feel for the fact that he can't stand being touched. Cringing when someone touches you isn't born overnight and I can only imagine the horrors he had to go through to get to such a point. I feel I know what caused this, and by whom, but I will let you draw your own conclusions. 

    Of course, I can't forget about Mikey. The friendly werewolf who is seemingly constantly starving to death. He is a very attractive man that has never had a girlfriend and always has food. It's odd, but it happens. Mikey was my favorite character in the book and without him I feel this book would be missing something. 

    While this book wraps up a lot there is no pretty bow on it. We see some people killed and others saved. Demons are vanquished. Heroes are injured. And yet...justice was not completely served. I don't want to say too much more because I don't want to give it away. If you are wanting the full story complete with all the loose ends tied up you will need to read on beyond the 670 pages in which book one takes place. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

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