
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Book Review: The Alienation of Ludovic Weiss by David Pollard

     Ludovic had a wonderful life: a job where he felt respected, a loving wife, great friends, and even a mistress. He enjoyed every aspect of it until one Monday when his director asked him to meet at a chapel in a shady part of town for a secret operation. He was given a red file and told to tell no one, but to pursue the information within. Since then everyone around him seems to have changed and nothing in his life is as it should be. Is he going crazy or is everyone really pushing him out of the way? 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I hate to admit that I received a physical copy of this book in the mail over a year ago, while I was having a complicated pregnancy, and am just now getting to it. I generally try to complete all review requests within 6 months of the date received, so this is one of 4 (I think) that is long overdue. 

    I started and finished this book today while I was told to sit and relax by my husband since I just got out of the hospital last Friday. I'm fine, gallbladder removal, it just hurts to move around too much. As I was reading it I was curious to know if he was going crazy or if it was a set up and the author held out this information until near the very end. 

    Some parts of this book confused me. I get the main issue. But the wife, Lil, and the mistress, Else, confuse me. His wife has nothing to do with his work so I don't know what caused that. I can only guess that she found out about the mistress and was equally as unfaithful. Something I will never understand, but to each their own. Else confuses me slightly less. She at least works in the same place as him, but where did she go? She just randomly disappears and isn't seen from again. Then there is the matter of his family. They are mentioned in one sentence in the book that he has a family, outside of his wife and her parents, but not that the search for him or even note his disappearance. 

   As the story progressed the mind-games played on this man were intense and I can't say that any sane person wouldn't have fought back against the imposed conditions. I feel I would have taken actions much further towards the end, but who knows. I can say one thing for certain: nothing that happened within these pages would have resulted in how this book ended. It is rare for a book to end as it did, but I'll leave that to you to find out what I mean. 

    This is a psychological conspiracy thriller that will have you second guessing yourself throughout. Even after everything Ludovic went through I don't particularly feel bad for him. While I don't feel it was deserved the end just kind of ruined the character for me. Just because the character was ruined, however, did not make me dislike the book. It was very enjoyable and well-written. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

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