
Friday, November 5, 2021

Book Review: Something Shifter This Way Comes by Josie Walker (The Order of the Bear Book 1)

     Crystal just caught her boyfriend, who she lived with, cheating on her and the bastard had the audacity to have her blacklisted from every publishing firm in the area. Hoped she would come crawling back and play nice. So with the threat of homelessness and the crushing pressure of student loans looming she dashed into a job interview as the personal assistant for billionaire Eric Steele. He whisked her off to a secluded mountain home, forced countless tasks on her, and gave strict rules. Too bad he was a rude standoffish jerk because that man had a body to drool over. However his secrets may prove worse than his curfew. 

    I got this book on BookBub in 2017. I have always had a soft spot for paranormal romances so got it without reading the synopsis. If you've read my reviews before you know this is not uncommon for me when it comes to books I get for myself versus books I am requested to read. I get myself into trouble a lot with this, but hey you win some you lose some. In my defense I only review the books I actually finish. Moving on. 

    I want to start by saying I liked Crystal and was even fine with the whole journal entry format of the book. A bit odd, but something different isn't always a bad thing. But, that being said I hated that it was in past tense. Yes, I and most every other romance reader knows that a happily ever after is basically guaranteed. I enjoy this. That being said, when there is a life risk I want to feel as if our character might actually die. I know they won't, but it is the thrill. Past tense removed that. Then there was the three-dollar words. Yes, I know she has a publishing degree. Yes, I know it is her journal because it is stated once. I don't know. I just feel like it detracted, especially with how Crystal was very immature. Not kidding. My favorite line in this book was "Holy intestines, Batman! That's disgusting!" Not kidding. Like I said, though, it was my favorite line which probably says something about my own maturity level. What can I say, I am 25. 

    Other than those things this is your basic shifter romance. With a little bit of billionaire romance thrown in for good measure. Standoffish rich boss hires poor employee and solves all of her problems including sexual. Although there isn't a lot of sexy time in this book. Since this is a series maybe later on. Not sure though considering when I went in search of this book on Amazon it was missing. Did a Google search and found that you can actually get it on Amazon, just not as an eBook. Weird, I know. But, the paperback is less than $3, so I say go for it. I have a feeling this author had a very strong love of Beauty and the Beast. With warnings like "Stay out of the West Wing." and a massive drool-worthy library it was a bit obvious. Not that I am complaining. Love me some Beauty and the Beast. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.92 (pre-shipping) by clicking here.

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