
Friday, November 26, 2021

Book Review: First of Their Kind by C. D. Tavenor (Chronicles of Theren Book 1)

     After years of work the first sentient machine has been formed. Able to think and feel like a human. While revolutionary and with all the wonders it could mean for humankind there are other struggles in the way. Once announced things quickly go downhill beginning with the lead scientists murder. Theren, however, is determined to stay the course their creator wanted for them in order to make the world a better place. In order to do so they must overcome prejudices of groups, such as the Holy Crusade. Can they show mankind that they are not so different or will the Holy Crusade achieve their goals to rid the world of this sentient being?

    I received a copy of this audiobook in exchange for a honest review from the narrator. I will start by saying I enjoyed this book a lot more than the last one that I received from this narrator. 

    In both instances I have enjoyed the narrator, but this time I also enjoyed the book. It was odd for me to not assign a typical human gender to Theren. I wanted to call them he for most of the book, but I have adjusted gender mindsets of my friends in the past so it is not impossible. My biggest complaint about this book is it goes so in depth about the politics. All of the hoops that needed jumped through in order for any progress to be made with humans. Just another set of prejudices to overcome. 

    I can't say the book was unrealistic, though. If/when a sentient machine is created I expect many people will react in much the same way as those in this book. Some will have no opinion one way in the other. Some will be for it, seeing the positives it will bring. Still others will consider them unholy beings to be eradicated. I mean there has been tons of machines will take over and destroy the world books and movies. Fear is understandable, but prejudices haven't been known to solve anything. 

    Of all the characters I liked Theren the most. They are the most level-headed while still expressing emotion. Jill is odd. She is more human in some ways, but at the same time she is overly crass. Especially her willingness to sacrifice. But, you will learn more about that later. I do suggest this book and will be beginning book 2 in this series soon. 

    This is an interesting take on a very real possibility of when Earth is submitted to another sentient mind. This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here, but I personally suggest the audiobook. Benjamin is quite the storyteller. 

    Books by this author:

Their Greatest Game

Flight of the 500

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