
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Book Review: Doubting Thomas by Elizabeth Rose (Tarnished Saints Series Book 1)

     Thomas has always tried his best to be the best father to his six sons, but when the murder of his second wife casts him as a murderer his already difficult life becomes even harder. Between trying to raise six boys in a one bedroom cabin in the woods, proving he isn't a murderer, and making a living Thomas can't seem to catch a break. Now the neighbors are complaining that he can't raise his boys correctly and saying they should be taken away. At the request of her best friend, Tillie, Angel makes an unofficial trip to meet this alleged murderer and find out if he really is abusing his boys. If so she will file a case at her CPS office and get them placed in good homes. However, there is more to this family than meets the eye and when the boys are on the verge of being removed from the home Angel takes drastic steps to save this lost family. 

    I got this book as a BookBub suggestion in 2019 and enjoyed it. With 'bad-boy' in the title I had a bit higher hopes considering all who know me know if I impulse buy a book it is highly doubtful that I actually read the synopsis. Yes, it is my own fault. No I likely won't change. I really like getting books based on their covers. It has lead to some interesting reads. On to the review!

    I can't say that I had a favorite character in this book. I had a love hate relationship with them all. Maybe Daniel, the oldest son. He had a strong sense of duty to family, but wasn't stuck in his ways as his father. Angel was...difficult. I loathe CPS workers due to childhood issues, so I really wanted to hate her. She gained points for quitting, I'll give her that, but the grudge remained. Thomas I was a bit back and forth on as well. Internal monologue was very "I don't have emotions. Emotions is for the weak!". Then proceeds to have extreme mood swings for the entire book. No emotions my ass. Also, doesn't allow his children to cry? Processing emotions is a THING. 

    Lets move away from the characters to the story itself. I can understand going to extremes to keep a family together, especially if it was due to your nosiness that the kids are in danger anyways. The fact that Thomas is a preachers son and has 11 bothers who were all named after apostles is definitely different. I liked the book for the most part. Sexy backwoods mechanic trying to do right by his family against the gossip of a small town. I am down. Him being tall and a brunette is a total plus. Besides, there is just something about a man who knows his way around a vehicle. I am, however, still trying to figure out why he refers to himself as an outsider to the town and is thereby not accepted when he used to own a garage in town and his parents were from the town. Didn't make a lot of sense to me.

    I seen the "who did it" coming from the beginning. No real surprise there, but other reviews I have seen were surprised by who the murderer was. It was just a bit obvious to me. I can't say that this book has turned me off the series, however. I am curious about the other brothers and their stories. I am sure that the next story will be between Levi and Tillie and I may enjoy that one more. Especially considering she isn't a social worker. 

    If you don't have anything against CPS workers I am sure you will enjoy this book more than I did. Personal grudges and all that. This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

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