
Saturday, October 23, 2021

Book Review: Animus by Ophelia Bell (Sleeping Dragons Book 1)

Animus: A Dragon Shifter Romance (Sleeping Dragons Book 1) by [Ophelia Bell]      Erika had dreamed of discovering the Dragon Temple her entire life. Just as her father had before her, but she has finally found it with her team. Full of jade dragon statues that are warm to the touch it seems there is the ability to "wake" them from their slumber. Are she and her team willing to "go the distance" to bring back the dragons? 

    I got this book on BookBub in November, 2017 because of the title. I didn't remember anything about the cover and I know I didn't read the synopsis. It wouldn't have stopped me, mind you. I have an obsession with all thing dragon related. In fact when I would look at it from my list I always thought it was going to be an Assassin's Creed type book. Was really looking forward to it. I was a bit disappointed, but only because it wasn't what I was expecting. 

    That being said I am always down for a little smut. This book is one of those god-awful books that the author has decided to take one book and break down into multiple books. I suppose that is why this one was free, but I won't be reading any more of it. Pet peeve of mine. I would rather pay for the whole story than have a cliff-hanger. 

    If you can ignore that glaring fact then this is a decent smut book. Odd...very very odd...but decent. All sex and build up to sex. Even comes equipped with a sacrificial virgin. I'd give more details, but this book doesn't have enough meat to it to do so without giving away the entire "book". 

    This book is still free so if you want a smutty book that doesn't solve any real curiosity you can get it on Amazon by clicking here.

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