
Friday, September 3, 2021

Book Review: Loving from Afar by Mona Ingram (The Women of Independence Book 1)

Loving From Afar (The Women of Independence Book 1) by [Mona Ingram]     Allison and Cole met for the first time at the tree lighting ceremony in their small town of Independence. From that moment on they were inseparable until almost a year later when things started to go wrong. First, tragedy struck with Allison causing her to have to move 4 hours away with her sister. Shortly after Cole was sent to jail with an 18 month sentence. Allison had been prepared to wait for him to find out what had happened, but when further pain is inflicted upon her which causes Cole to turn away there may be no hope for this couple. 

    Once upon a time not so very long ago I loved paranormal romances over everything else. Now, give me a contemporary romance any day. This book is sweet and a little heartbreaking. The things that happen in it are just a little too plausible and that is where the feels truly come in. I hated what Allison was going through as she was going through it, although her plight is not one that I can relate to. Cole is everything and more, although a little bit of listening never hurt anyone. Years of hurt could have been avoided, but I get it. 

    For once I don't feel like the characters were acting like children when they are adults who are almost 30. Frequently we see adults in contemporary romances have a childish attitude and it causes a sour spot in the story. When I am reading about adults I want them to act like adults, not like spoiled brats who need their way. 

    Cole is my favorite character in this story as he loves doing woodwork. Yes, there are a million reasons I could say, but that is my main one. My grandfather has done woodwork my entire life and even reading about someone loving something he does is amazing. He is my favorite person in the entire world and has described to me more than once the enjoyment he once got out of creating something with his hands and how much that he misses it now that Parkinson's disease has made that impossible. 

    This book is one I suggest reading for anyone with a love of small town romances. The ending is slightly rushed, but that is the only negative I have to say about this book. 

    Loving from Afar is available on Amazon for free by clicking here.

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