
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Book Review: Immersion Online: The Zealot by Evan Klein (Immersion Online Book 2)

Immersion Online: The Zealot : Book 2 (Immersion Online: Lit RPG) by [Evan Klein]     Mace has completed his training and is no longer a noob. Now, he is starting in the city of Granville, and he can see why his boss, Haggarty, refused to give him details. The previous Constable gave his guards no authority and havoc was being wrecked in the town. After curbing one disaster it seems that the city has more in store for him. There is a relic merchant, Rhia, to add some spice and maybe a little confusion to his life. In an attempt to complete the quests given to him by Rhia to find her missing relics there may be something much bigger at play that not even the creator of the game has a say in. A battle the likes of while Immersion Online has never before seen will soon be waged, but there is more at stake then stats. 

    This book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review in the form of an ARC. After reading book 1 of the series I was intrigued with what book 2 would bring. That being said, I loved book 2 more than book 1. I finished the book in 4 reading sessions and it would have been less if one of my friends hadn't called needing me to stay on the phone with her for a long drive home. Putting down this book was a hard task to accomplish and I am sure that you will feel the same once you begin reading it. 

    There is more action in this book than in book 1, and you would easily be able to enjoy it without having read The Noob. I know for a fact that I will be needing book 3 as soon as I have the ability. I don't know if I will have to wait until release like everyone else for book 3, as I know Evan is currently writing it, but I truly cannot wait. There are so many questions that I have at the end of the book and am sure that Klein will not disappoint to have these answers as the series continues. 

    While the favorite character from book 1 was a moonshiner with a prickly past, I think I am going to have to replace that spot with Tinsie. Seriously, who doesn't love a sprite? That being said, the fact that she repeats some words three times randomly as she talks made me question if she was a NPC instead of a Starborn. I have now chocked it up to one of the random little quirks that comes with the feisty deputy, but do wonder if she has this issue in the RW as well. 

    This is a book for gamers and anyone who loves a good fantasy book. I have already been driving my aforementioned friend nuts saying she needs to get both books next week. I am sure both she and my husband are tired of hearing me try to force this book on them. My husband would love it, but he is stubborn and for some reason refuses to use the Kindle app that I downloaded on his phone. Something about it needing to be the Google Books app. Annoying male. 

I completely recommend this book. This book is available on Amazon for $1.99 by clicking here.        This book is available on Kindle Unlimited.   

Books by this author: 

Immersion Online: The Noob (Book 1)

Immersion Online: The Symbiont (Book 3)

Immersion Online: The Herald (Book 4)

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