
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Book Review: Bitter Almonds & Jasmine by Dominic Piper

Bitter Almonds & Jasmine: an electrifying and explosive modern detective thriller (PI Daniel Beckett Series) by [Dominic Piper]     Daniel Beckett is a private investigator with all the perks. A classified background, fake name, and enough charm and know how to get a date plus some fun from most women he meets. During one such tirade he gets a call from someone talking in code that he hasn't heard from in years. Little did he know that this job would become as deep and disturbing as it is. But, no matter what Daniel will finish this job. No matter how sticky of a situation it becomes. Packed with origies, beautiful women, death, and a torture session or two it's hard to believe the fun could ever end. 

    I received a paperback copy of this book in the mail from the author in exchange for an honest review. It took me a bit of time to finish it, but I enjoyed it from the start. There are some disturbing moments in it, involving children, but Piper worked this well into the storyline. 

    Beckett is a bit of a horn-dog, but it isn't a book full of overly sexual scenes. I feel like if it had been I would have hated those bits of his personality more. Instead, he is upfront about how things are with females and they are as fine with it as he is. How he is getting that many stunning women to sleep with him is another matter, but I must assume he is overly attractive. Charisma can only get one so far. That being said his knowledge of so many brands of perfume was a bit boring. Just felt a little like useless facts that flit around in people's brains that we seldom voice. 

    Francie was a bit unexpected, but I liked her. I enjoyed her personality, especially her avid collection of porn. Weird about those with her family in it, though. She was sure of herself and having dated someone from North Carolina she would fit in there. That was something I was amused about considering the author is from the UK where this book is set. There are some details in this book what I didn't understand at first as they are things associated with UK, but with Google's help it wasn't hard to traverse. 

    My favorite character in this book was Liva. Just for how kooky she is. After everything she witnessed within these pages she is upbeat and knows exactly what she wants. She has a career where she is recognized and it is something she enjoys doing. More power to her if she wants to be in porn. I fell for her when she was darting around her house offering up books and giving little backstories on items that she had. It was just adorable.

    Alright, I have spent more time on the characters than I normally do so I will get right down to it. I loved this book from start to finish. I wanted to know how deep this ran and how everything was going to tie together. The dog was confusing. If you didn't know what a japanese mountain dog is then I am sure it would have played off well. But they are a medium sized dog that is beyond adorable. Unable to be a family pet? A little far fetched. If I had my way I would have a Russian Mountain dog. Which in all honesty fits the description a bit more since they could be 250 lbs. That being said I couldn't see them battling Samuri. Bears are more their style. 

    This is definitely a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat, wanting more, until everything is tied up. In some cases literally. Helpful hint. Use the Google translate on the phrases. They are a bit hilarious. Especially Salo at the end. You won't regret it. This is a great crime mystery novel that I have already suggested to more than one individual and have no plans on stopping any time soon. 

    I highly suggest you head on over to Amazon and get Bitter Almonds & Jasmine for $5.32 by clicking hereThis book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

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