
Saturday, September 11, 2021

Book Review: 48 Hours to Die by Silk White

48 Hours To Die: An Anthony Stone Novel by [Silk White]     Uncle Sam is on the loose and he has one mission in mind: Make Detective Anthony Stone pay for his wife's death. It is the police's job to protect and serve. So, in order for the cops to get up and start doing their duty Uncle Sam is going on a killing spree. When that isn't enough Uncle Sam decides to make it personal. Stone has 48 hours to choose himself or his family. Who lives and who dies will be up to the detective. 

    I started this book with the highest of hopes. I loved the synopsis. I serial killer with an ultimatum? Yes please. Everyone loves a good serial killer book. Especially where they chop their victims up into tiny little pieces. That being said this book falls flat of my expectations. If you were to chop up this book the same way Uncle Sam does then you'd have about half the words and a decent short story. 

    The story has hope. If you ignore everything else. The story itself has the possibility of being a gruesome vengeance book. I am sitting here going through my lists of eBooks trying to find out where I got this book from. If it was an impulse buy then I don't feel bad about what comes next. If, however, it was an indie author who suggested I purchase their book on Amazon I am going to feel terrible. Because I love the indie authors on my Twitter and hate to leave a negative review. Especially considering I would give it zero stars if I had the option. I know I shouldn't feel the relief that I do, but this was not one of "my authors" as I like to call them. This was an impulse buy. 

    Moving on, since I have expelled everything nice I have to say about this book. It was so badly written that I wasn't sure if the author was from another country and English wasn't their primary language. Spoiler. They are from New York. No dice there. Someone needs to take away this authors right to use a comma. The amount of times they are used incorrectly baffles the mind. Seriously. Who puts a comma in the middle of a sentence? It is like they were using it as their only seasoning and they were liberal with it. I really don't even want to know how many commas are in this book. 

    Next. The overly descriptive sections. If I ever have to read the name Anthony Stone again I may stab out my own eyes. EVERY time Stone is talked about or there is a chapter about this man it is Anthony Stone. Not Stone. Not Anthony. It was infuriating. Or "the masked man" did this and continues using that phrase in each sentence of a paragraph. I don't know if there was some word count that had to be achieved and when the story just didn't cut it the author went "Let's add some descriptives!" ,but that was not the way to go. 

    I know I am not the only one who noticed how badly this book was written because there were frequently highlighted sections. Normally I don't pay these too much mind. People like to highlight things they enjoyed. However, in this case I feel these readers were doing exactly what I was doing. Which was highlighting all of the errors in the book. I know I didn't catch them all because I started skimming just wanting this torture to end. 173 in the 93 pages that make up this book. And no, this does not include every time the detectives name was used. 

    I know I have been harsh on the awfulness of this editing, but honestly while it was obviously non-existent that isn't the entire issue with this book. There is also the issue of Uncle Sam's deceased partner. At the beginning she is referred to as his fiancé and from that point thereafter she is referred to as his wife. To my knowledge you have to be married before you die to become someone's wife. But, it could just be another of the many errors in this book. It is safe to say I won't be getting any other books from this author. 

    If you don't mind your eyes bleeding then you can find this book on Amazon for free by clicking here.

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