
Thursday, August 5, 2021

Book Review: The Simpleton by Barbara Avon

The Simpleton by [Barbara Avon]     Jonathan Peters is trapped in a living nightmare. After his wife dies in a horrific accident he begins to slowly loose his mind as the hauntings begin. Because of this he has lost his job and become a shell of the man he once was, working at a flower-shop and being referred to as a simpleton. Nothing seems able to penetrate until he meets Trina. What could be so important that this ghost of someone he loved more than anyone needs him to know?

    I was sent this book by the author in exchange for an honest review. When I first received the book I was surprised at the length of it, being that it is only 185 pages. It is a great fast read, taking only a few nights after the kids were in bed to get through it. 

    When I finished chapter one and moved on to chapter two I had to go back and reread it, because I thought that I had missed some key factor. Then as I continued on in the book chapter one made less and less sense. I chalked it up to the ravings of someone overcome with grief or possibly a game the married couple played before her death. I will not give anything away, as I always try to refrain from spoilers, but I can honestly say that I did not see the end of the book coming. 

    The story is a detailed and well written quick read that leaves you puzzling what is truly going on until the very last page. I don't know that I had a favorite character in this book as I don't feel personally attached to any of them. This book is a psychological thriller that I would recommend to anyone looking for something to pass an evening with. This book is available on Amazon for $2.88 by clicking here.

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